- Ian Barker
- Domenico Vicinanza
- Nadia Sluer
- L&D team updates
Discussion items
Action items
Action Nadia Sluer: Share the wiki spaces of Young talent pipeline - current spaces
Action Magda Haver: TRANSITs space to share
Action Magda Haver and Irina Mikhailava: contract Don + decide on the next update
Action Magda Haver: Update TRANSITS the website and info
Action Magda Haver and Irina Mikhailava and Domenico Vicinanza : update TRANSITS II price for the next year
Action Magda Haver and Irina Mikhailava: conduct recruitment on annual basis - recruit for all events at the start of the year!
- Action Magda Haver: put together a compiled report of TRANSITS feedback for 2016
- Action Magda Haver and Irina Mikhailava: discuss active PR for commercial registrations
- Action Magda Haver and Irina Mikhailava: discuss TRANSITS Train the Trainer
- Action Magda Haver and Irina Mikhailava: discuss collaboration with ENISA
Action Ian Barker and Domenico Vicinanza: put together a compiled report on feedback of GN4.2 6mos training activities
Action Ian Barker and Domenico Vicinanza and Nadia Sluer: put together a compiled plan for development driven activities based on input from GN4.1 review + Doctor Is In + other
- Action Ian Barker and Domenico Vicinanza: Access suitability and provide recommendations for choosing one of the following: ITIL or FitSM or eTOM
- Action Domenico Vicinanza:
1 Comment
Domenico Vicinanza
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