- ( Anass, Boro, Jan, Nebojsa, Jule, Valentin....) Call for new IdPs joining the Fticks pilot: Anass, Boro, Jan (?) - , Jule (?), Jan: to ask Jan Tomasek - push it through - or get rid of eppN ?Valentin: we also use SSP - check if these IdPs also could join - Due: April 15
- ( Mario ) verify that depersonalized ePPN is not an issue with GDPR - Due: April 15
- ( Miro ) Find a recipy for SimpleSAMLphp (v 1.15) for Fticks settings and provide it to all ( and to Nebojsa in particular) - Due: April 15
- (Mario) - Make a F2F meeting wiki page and gather material there - Due: March 31
- (Miro) : Dropping Visited Country from the proposed new format since we can get it from the FedID. Update doc and wiki. Due: April 15
- (Valeria, Boro) - Add plugin based on logstash in front of the collector node to send Fticks also to ElasticSearch DB - Update doc : Due: April 15
- (Valeria, Boro) - Implement and add to Dubravko's pilot collector node : Due: April 30
- (Anass) - Present the pilot to the french federation ( IdPs and SPs) in 1 month at the specific event : Due: @ French event
- (Miro, Valeria, Boro, Dubravko) - Make sure to send ASAP short bio information to Jule for the Abstract at TNC18 - Due: April 2
- (Miro) - Submit lightning talk + poster proposal on Fticks at TNC18- Due: April 15
- (Marco) - Investigate options to generate https certificates and register hosts in DNS automatically for the Ansible toolkit - Due: May 30
- (Marco) - Improve the documentation on the python script utility tool to be run before running the playbooks ( template fillers) - Due: May 30
- (Anass) - Liaise with Frederic Loui JRA2 T5 NM-a-a-S: see if there is room for collaboration and synergies - presentation - update him on our work - Due: May 30
- (Jan) - Improve documentation on currenlty provided 2-docker-builds tool - better guide user through all required steps - Due: May 30
- (Jan, Marko) - Add containers to add more functionality - starting from LDAP and PhpLDAPAdmin ( with Marko) - Due: May 30
- (Marko) - Add LDAP container to the tools developed by Jan - Due: May 30
- (Marko) - sort out the embedded-scripting approach - solve the LDAP "no such object" issue - Due: May 30
- (Valentin) - contact Tomasz Wolnievicz - twoln@umk.pl - about getting from the eduGAIN Tech DB via the API method to have a unique listing of all contacts ( admin, tech, security,..) of all eduGAIN entities - Due: 30 April
- (Mario, Jule, Valentin) - Start a short document describing the use case / requirements / motivation for the SIRTFI email contacts checker tool - integrate with other tools ? - Due: May 30
- (Mario, Jule) - Make sure that security contacts are correctly drifting from MDS to eduGAIN technical DB - Due: April 10
- (Janusz) - Send to Marco the required change requests for the Ansible playbooks ( like in the case of multiple MD provider for multiple IdPs) - Due: May 15
- (Michael) - Add the person contact email to the input form - Due: May 15
- (Michael) - Include / Merge the WebClient/API doc to the Arch Document - Unify / Merge the documentation in a unique consistent doc or carefully point one from the other - Due: May 15
- (Michael) - Insert the new general flow schema to the Arch document - Due: May 15
- (Michael) - Upload the WebClient application code to the GEANT github repository - check whether additional repos are needed - Due: May 15
- (Boro, Mario) - Send the ugly draft idea on the gloabl proxy as drafted together- Formalize in a short note the proposal to be further evaluated / discussed - Due: May 15
(Marco, Anass, Michael, Janusz) - Have a dedicated call on how to close the loop for a minimal demonstration from the WebClient to the spawned IdP on openstack cloud - Due: April 15
Pictures from the meeting: