Investigate and liaise with other communities
Flash presentation template
Work in progress
The purpose of the flash presentations going to be held at the TF-NOC meeting in February 2011 is the following:
To get an overview of how other NOCs participating in TF-NOC work.
To give some food for thoughts to what is interesting to include in the upcoming TF-NOC survey.
To give some answers to questions that some NOCs are interested to hear how others are handling.
Is the above purpose "correct" or should it be extended/changed?
Slide 1 - Network
- Infrastructure deployed
(e.g. fiber + equipment) - Services offered and maintained
- Tools used to manage/monitor the network
Slide 2 - NOC
- Staff roles, coverage and responsibility
(e.g. dispatchers or experts, 24/7 or daytime) - Structure of NOC
(e.g. centralized, distributed or out-sourced) - How the NOC work with different kinds of tools
(e.g. tool integration)
Slide 3 - Front end
- Types of users using the network and services
- SLAs or agreements with customers
- Tools used to communicate with and keep track of users
Slide 4 - Inter NOC communication
- Communication between NOC and other internal groups in your organisation
- Communication with NOCs outside your organization
(e.g. provider and/or customer NOCs) - Tools used to facilitate inter-NOC communication
Slide 5 - Documentation
- What is documented
- Tools used to create and update documentation