Mandatory | Comment | NORDUnet TTS field names | SWITCH field names | |
PARTNER_ID | | The unique ID of the TT source partner |
ORIGINAL_ID | | The TT ID that was assigned by the party. |
TT_ID | | The unique ID of the TT. | Key | Number |
TT_TITLE | | The title of the TT. | Summary | Ticket Description |
TT_TYPE | | The type of the TT. | Type |
| The TT priority. |
TT_STATUS | | The TT status. | Status | State |
| The source of the ticket. |
TT_OPEN_DATETIME | | The date and time when the TT was opened. | Created | Ticket opened |
TT_CLOSE_DATETIME | | The date and time when the TT was closed. | Closed | Ticket closed |
TT_SHORT_DESCRIPTION | | The short description of the trouble. |
| The detailed description of the incident/maintenance reported in the TT. | Description | Problem |
TYPE | | The type of the trouble. | Scope | Planned (check box) |
TT_IMPACT_ASSESSMENT | | The impact of the incident/maintenance. | Impact | Impact |
START_DATETIME | | The date and time that the incident/maintenance started. | Problem start | From |
| The date and time when the incident was detected. |
| The date and time when the incident was reported. |
END_DATETIME | | The date and time when the incident/maintenance ended. | Problem end | Until |
TT_LAST_UPDATE_TIME | | The last date and time when the TT was updated. |
| The window start time in which planned maintenance may occur. | Maintenance window starts | Scheduled starttime |
| The window end time in which planned maintenance may occur. | Maintenance window ends | Scheduled endtime |
| Work planned (expected): start time in case of maintenance. |
| Work planned (expected): end time in case of maintenance. |
| The NOC entity related to the incident, | External reference |
| Additional information. | Alarm info |
| The TT IDs of the related incidents. | Related tickets |
HISTORY | | The necessary actions/events log. | Update | Actions |
| Information about the community that was affected by the incident. | Affected organisations | Affected Org. |
| The service that was affected by the incident. | Service | Service |
LOCATION | | The location (Point of Presence (POP) site, city, etc.) | Site |
| The NOC network node related to the incident. | Equipment |
| The name of the network line related to the incident. | Connection |
| A-end of the link. |
| B-end of the link. |
| The engineer that opened the ticket. | Reporter | Author |
| The engineers responsible for the incident settlement. | Assignee |
| The engineer that closed the ticket. |
| Encrypted message hash. |
| The organisation a TT is escalated to | Escalated to |
| The time a TT was escalated | Escalation time |
| Estimated time for a planned maintenance | Estimated outage |
| Short report of issue i.e. problem and resolution | Final ticket report |
| Organisation responsible for resolving issue | Fixer |
| Internal information update, e.g. Name and phonenumber of engineers | Internal update |
| Next time something is expected to happen with ticket | Next action due date |
| Messages to management | Notify management |
| Time service was actually unavailable | Outages (multivalues) | Impact start until |
| Resolution to the issue | Resolution |
| Information about how to verify status of the service | Service verification |
| Version of software in e.g. affected equipment | Version |
| whether SWITCH is responsible or the university itself |
| SWITCH_responsible |
| whether the ticket is for internal use |
| Internal (checkbox) |
| problem categories (Fiber, Configuration, Hardware, |
| cause |