Code Block |
icecold@group1.aq Cleartext-Password := "snowwhite" Tunnel-Type := VLAN, Tunnel-Medium-Type := IEEE-802, Tunnel-Private-Group-ID := 17 otheruser@group1.aq Cleartext-Password := "swordfish" Tunnel-Type := VLAN, Tunnel-Medium-Type := IEEE-802, Tunnel-Private-Group-ID := 42 |
Using MySQL SQL as user database backend
Using a flat file as in our example scales very poorly. You can use arbitrary database backends instead; the FreeRADIUS documentation can give you an overview. If you wish to use SQL, changing our example configuration is very easy: simply replace the "files" line in eduroam-inner-tunnel:authorize with "sql". You'll need to specify the connection details for your SQL backend in the corresponding module ( /etc/raddb/modules/sql ).
The schema which FreeRADIUS uses to store user information is similarly structured to the "users" file: a table radcheck holds the check items (i.e. the username and password), and the radreply table contains the reply items (for example VLAN memberships, as explained above).
Mandating or forbidding use of anonymous outer identity