Code Block |
server eduroam { authorize { auth_log suffix } authenticate { } preacct { suffix } accounting { } post-auth { reply_log Post-Auth-Type REJECT { reply_log } } pre-proxy { pre_proxy_log if (Packet-Type != Accounting-Request) { attr_filter.pre-proxy } } post-proxy { post_proxy_log attr_filter.post-proxy proxy } } |
The multitude of sections in this above configuration is often confusing to new-comers. The order of execution when proxying a request are:
Code Block |
client antarctica-access-point-2 2 { ipv6addr = 2001:db8:1:789::56 netmask = 128 secret = yoursecretABCDE shortname = southpole-11n virtual_server = eduroam } |