It was decided that the best approach would be to ask eduGAIN-SG delegates and deputies to give consent to their information being published and told that not having this information public is an option.
- ACTION20180327-01: Nicole Harris to ask all the SG delegates and deputies to opt-in to having their data published on the eduGAIN website, and make them aware that email can be hidden.
At the moment the eduGAIN-SG mailing list is set to the default that subscriber information is not visible to other subscribers. It is proposed that SG members have a legitimate interest in seeing this information (particularly if details may not be shown on the public webpage) so this should be changed to being visible to subscribers.
- ACTION20180327-02: Brook Schofield to propose a change in the mailing list settings to allow subscribers of the eduGAIN-SG to see other subscribers and give them a window to object.
A simple measure of progress might be that the federation is still responding to email and that this would be sufficient.
- ACTION20180327-0403: Brook Schofield to propose email response as a simple bar for measuring responsiveness of candidate federations.
For existing participants, there is no check currently in place to ensure that the requirements that existed at the point of joining are still fully in place. Nicole proposed that this information should be re-validated once every 12 months and if requirements are not being met, then federations may be asked to restart the membership process.
- ACTION20180327-0504: eduGAIN-OT to implement a yearly check of basic requirements for member federations. If requirements are not being met by any member federation, these issues will be brought to the next eduGAIN-SG for review.
The deadline was set as 1st April 2018 for all federations to have an adequate MRPS.
- ACTION20180327-0605: Brook Schofield / Nicole Harris to contact all of the federations that do not have an adequate MRPS to discuss a plan for implementing a MRPS.
Nicole highlighted that edugain-support had started looking at the requirements for incident response and asked for comments and suggestions on the proposed requirements review for central support for incident response at eduGAIN. This can be found at: eduGAIN Incident Management Coordination Role.
- ACTION20180327-0706: All to review the requirements for the eduGAIN Incident Management Coordination Role.