Federations in Attendance (xx)
Attendees (xx)
- Brook Schofield, GÉANT
- Casper Dreef, GÉANT
- Davide Vaghetti, IDEM/GARR
- Nicole Harris, GÉANT
- Terry Smith, AAF
- Jay Ploomipuu, TAAT (in behalf of Sten Aus)
- ...Muhammad Farhan Sjaugi, SIFULAN
Apologies (xx)
- ...
Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement
The Chair welcomed everyone to the 3rd 2nd meeting of 2019.
See the Open Actions & Previous Meeting notes. The major open action will be covered within the meeting.
The wiki migration/update from earlier in the year has caused a problem with the open/complete action list. The Chair (or Casper) will remedy this.
The last meeting referenced two issues:
- YETKIM MRPS as a result of joining
- MDS certificate rollover
The latter issue is tabled for the agenda and Tomasz + the eduGAIN OT have conveyed this to the federations via the eduGAIN SG list (some "users" of the metadata were unaware of this change and there has been discussion on
Membership Updates and Joining