12:45 UTC | Arrival & "Can you hear me now?" (see Connection Details)
13:00 UTC | Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement |
13:10 UTC | Membership Updates and Joining
13:20 UTC 15:20 CEST | eduGAIN MDS Certificate Rollover
13:30 UTC 15:30 CEST | eduGAIN "raising the bar"
Question from SurfConextSURFConext: "A question about https://technical.edugain.org/validator2. We get quite some warnings |
13:40 UTC 15:40 CEST | eduGAIN SG Chair
13:50 UTC 15:50 CEST | Future SG Meetings
13:55 UTC 15:55 CEST | Any other business, Summary and Actions |
14:00 UTC | Meeting Close |
Meeting ID: 114 216 575
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Federations in Attendance (
- eduID.hu
- SURFconext
- UK Federation
Attendees (
- Brook Schofield, GÉANT
- Casper Dreef, GÉANT
- Davide Vaghetti, IDEM/GARR
- Nicole Harris, GÉANT
- Terry Smith, AAF
- Jay Ploomipuu, TAAT (in behalf of Sten Aus)
- Muhammad Farhan Sjaugi, SIFULAN
- Thomas Tomasz Wolniewicz, PIONIER.Id
- Donal Coetzee, SAFIRE
- Maja Wolniewicz, PIONIER.Id
- Wolfgang Pempe, DFN-AAI
- Pål Axelsson, SWAMID
- Péter Molnar, eduID.hu
- Rhys Smith, UK fed
- Thalina Pathirana, LIAF
- Valentin Pocotilenco, LEAF
- Vasiliy PorkhachecPorkhachev, RUNNetAAI
- Chris Phillips, CAF
- Arnout Terpstra, SURFconext
- Claudio Chacón, MINGA
- Alejandro Lara, COFRe
Apologies (
- Adulmonem Alkharusi, OMREN
- Ann West, InCommon
- Ferdand De Dekker, Belnet AAI
No candidates currently under assessment.
The vote for Maeen is currently underway and is scheduled to complete next week (Tuesday 2nd).
Of the recent member federations, two (LIAF + CARSI) are providing metadata feeds.
Baseline expectation initiative by InCommon was discussed during the REFEDS meeting at TNC19. This could be an interesting initiative for eduGAIN too. Try to increase velocity in respect to gather the baseline.
Validator now shows:
- 3 reds (7 during the REFEDS meeting)
- 45 yellow
While progress is being made on RED errors the YELLOW warnings that are truely our baseline aren't being corrected.
How long would baseline take to complete? The believe belief by Ann West (based on the time that it took from InCommon) was in the order of 3-5 years.
Set up a Work Group that comes up with recommendations? Promote this at TechEx. Contact Brook for more information on this. Initial discussion on Slack.
CoCo monitor: is it useful if it could alarm the helpdesk.
The eduGAIN Steering Group Chair position that is currently held by Brook Schofield has expired.
Terry Smith, AAF has agreed to be the new SG Chair (2019-2020).
A discussion on Observers from research institutions. They are invited to these meetings. Call for participationinfrastructures was raised at REFEDS. Historically the eduGAIN "Town Hall" was a forum to take wider input. Having SPs or RIs on the eduGAIN SG just to tell us to do better isn't useful and there are many fora for collecting the views of the wider community including REFEDS, FIM4R, FIM4L, FOG (and the soon to be SPOG). If there are concrete proposals on who to include that would be useful.
The current observers to the eduGAIN SG will also be flagged to the SG as these positions need to be re-validated.
Future meetings
The next SG meeting was confirmed to take place on Tuesday 17th September 2019 13:00 UTC.