- SP expresses its acceptance of ToS by adding entity category (which is TBD) to its metadata. Different EC are used for advanced and standard integration.
- Seamless Access scans at the metadata periodically (hourly?) and records a list of SPs that has the entity category tag. Each SP seen to use this entity category, is recorded together with timestamp, noting all the changes (add/remove EC). This data is needed to be able to keep the history.
- Every change is being notified by email to ?
- For the advanced ECintegration, the implementation SP needs also to be approved by contact the SA team to approve its implementation.
- SA team maintains a list of SP entityIDs that have been approved. SA MDA checks the list of approved entityIDs and only for those republishes the EC for advanced implementation.
- Based SA metadata, we can have an internal and external view on who are SPs that use SA.
- internal view would be for the use by the SA team and would have basic info about SP, contacts from metadata and which integration they use
- external for start number of SPs using advanced and standard.
- SP admin uses curl call that is described in documentation. Shibboleth SP key is used to sign a message that is then sent to the API server.
- API server checks if the SP has entity category set in SA metadata and for advanced also if it is in the list of the approved ones.
- API server responds with JSON and key ?
- SP should place the key in the environment variable or in the file - documentation for this to be provided.