- Convince CLARIN to go eduGAIN rather than SPF (Kristof)
- WTF is eduGAIN? Is it a service, project, broker, funding source, unicorn wrangler or something else (Nicole)
- Pragmatic Interfederation (Dieter)
Dieter: Doesn't care how we interfederate - as long as we get services to people. Summarised previously ....
How do we get to 100% of current IdPs?
Are all federations that are in edugain publishing edugain metadata?
- SWITCH –yes, published as a separate stream but not all IdPs take.
- SURFNET – no,
- UK – yes,
- RENATER – yes
- SWAMID – 2 streams, one with and one without edugain
- ARNES – not currently publishing at all
- DFN – yes, IdPs have to provision additional metadata provider.
- ACOnet – yes, two streams.
- Greece – two streams.
When you leave too much space for the IdPs not to consume the metadata then there is a scalability problem. Releasing attributes. Entity Categories may solve this for CLARIN but we are not there yet.
CLARIN is getting more attributes from federations directly than via edugain. This is not surprising as IdPs do not know enough about edugain entities and treat them differently.
What can we do to fix this?
- Should refeds do an interfederation eurocamp, in different countries?
- Actively promote the services “hey this has joined edugain” regular newsletter.
- Can we provide aggregates of “good” IdPs to CLARIN.
- Elegant failure messages.
- Encourage federations to put metadata in to edugain.
- Ensure federations are all publishing edugain metadata.