Virtual Home Organization
The Virtual Home Organization use case helps users wanting to access research & education infrastructure without having a home organization that is technically enabled with the accessed services on a technical level. While the technical integration is missing, the user may have a completely valid claim on access. In these cases a virtual home organization (VHO) is used. In this description we present the sponsored VHO use case, in which one user (within the technical collaboration) sponsors another (outside the collaboration) by an invitation.
- User A (the sponsor already in collaboration)sends an email invitation to user B (outside the technical collaboration).
- A describes B on a form at the VHO and inputs the email address of B
- the email is sent out.
- User B visits the VHO service and receives a card that describes their identity as stated by A
- B visits the service, and reviews the data stated about her by A, and receives a card
- The card gets registered to the registry
- User B can now access services within the collaboration.
- B attempts to access the service
- the service verifies the card in the registry and allows access.
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