Question | Answer |
Who are current developers (and NREN/Organisation)? | Marco Malavolti (GARR) |
Can the previous developers be contacted? | Andrea Biancini helped with AngularJS for the Graphical Interface side, but I don't think he is available to be contacted. |
Where is the code repository? | https://bitbucket.software.geant.org/projects/GN4SA2T2/repos/edugain-connectivity-check/browse |
Where is documentation? | eduGAIN Connectivity Check (v1.0) |
Which language/libraries/database are used? | PHP, SQL, AngularJS, HTML, CSS |
What code maintenance is needed? | None. A second version of ECCS (ECCS2) is currently being developed |
Which new features are needed? |
Was the IPR check for the tool done? | No formal IPR check has been done, so the software is open source as well as the libraries used. |
Where is the development roadmap? | None. A second version of ECCS (ECCS2) is currently being developed |
Which project management tool is used? | No one |
What is the response of the code security audit? | No code security audit has been performed |
What are the biggest gaps in terms of development? | None. A second version of ECCS (ECCS2) is currently being developed |
Who is operating tool? | eduGAIN Operators (Tomasz & Maja) |
What is the operational contact? | Marco Malavolti (GARR) |
Where is the service hosted? | technical.edugain.org server |
What is the deployment model (manual, ansible, docker, etc)? | Manual |
Where is the deployment and operations documentation? | https://bitbucket.software.geant.org/projects/GN4SA2T2/repos/edugain-connectivity-check/browse/README.md |
How is tool usage monitored. Are the statistics publicly available? | The web access to the tool is monitored. No public statistics are available. |
How is tool monitored, who is alerted? | The tool is monitored along the web server. In case of issues the operational contact is alerted. |
How is service backup (if needed)? | The tool is backed up along with the hosting server (technical.edugain.org). |
Is tool processing personal data, is GDPR resolved (ok if you don’t know the answer) | No |
What are the biggest gaps in terms of operations? | To be alone |