We've kicked off the pilot with some initial agreements however, there are still many open questions and details that need to be clarified in the near future. Stay tuned!
25 June 2012 @ 14.00-15.45 CET. You can see the list of participants in the recording.
List of participants: Andy (SWITCH), Gytis (KUT), Nikos, Giannis (GRNET); Vicente (UVigo); Eli (IUCC); Jack (TAU); Peter (TERENA)
- The importance of open sharing of educational resources was acknowledged. Many national and global initiatives were mentioned such as ARIADNE, GLOBE, MAOR, etc...
See the relevant TERENA Compendium 2011 data at TER-C11-complete-web.pdf
- For the pilot, the 8 standard LOM metadata fields can be used but a common agreement on the metadata schema is needed for the long run. LOM records can be transported between systems using a variety of protocols, perhaps the most widely used being OAI-PMH.
OPTION 2) In order to collect the metadata from the repositories participating in the pilot project the ARIADNE infrastructure and services (www.ariadne-eu.org/content/services) could be used.
Credit: Giannis (GRNET)
2nd VC Minutes (21 September 2012)
We've just had an other the second very productive discussion about the practical steps of the TF-Media Open Educational Resource portal pilot. No recordings have been made.
21 September 2012 @ 11.00-12.30 CET.
List of participants: Zenon, Nikos, Giannis (GRNET); Carlos (UPV); Vicente (UVigo); Eli (IUCC); Jack (TAU); Peter (TERENA)
1 - Pilot installation based on MAOR done by IUCC: http://maor.iucc.ac.il/t_materials.php?keywords=*