1.) MAOR-based pilot portal installation done by IUCC: http://maor.iucc.ac.il/t_materials.php?keywords=*
- Eli (IUCC) gave a brief overview about MAOR. MAOR is a national metadata and object repository used in Israel. Several institutional content repositories are attached to MAOR nationally.
- Eli emphasized the The importance of having a pan-European level repository to reach the critical mass and successfully participate in global repositories was emphasized. The layered model should include the institutional, national, pan-European and global aggregation levels.
- Eli demonstrated the pilot portal installation based on MAOR
2.) ARIADNE-based pilot portal installation done by IUCC: http://maor.iucc.ac.il/t_materials.php?keywords=*2 - Pilot installation based on ARIADNE done by GRNET:*