- As it can be seen from the results, the automatically harvested metadata has poor quality. Not sufficient for a pan-European aggregation portal purposes. It has been proofed and agreed that extensive metadata analysis, common metadata set agreement and engagement with the repository owners (i.e. providers) is needed.
- ARIADNE is only a specification and a set of protocols; a software stack to harvest and index metadata. It has a GoogleSerach-like user interface at the moment.
- The modular architecture helps to add new services to the portal easily.
- Peter (TERENA) said that the initial idea was to compare the MAOR-based and ARIADNE-based implementations, evaluate them with the criteria of a pan-European portal in mind, and implement the TERENA OER pilot portal based on the wining platform. Eli and Giannis commented that the two tools can even be combined as some of the features can nicely complement each other.
- Eli said that e.g., ARIADNE can be used to harvest metadata automatically from the internet (open PMH targets, YouTube channels) while MAOR can be used to harvest metadata from the national repositories engaged with the portal.
- It was agreed to dedicate the next coming meeting of the group to the discussion about how the two platform implementation can be combined.
- Peter (TERENA) will set up the next meeting and send out the open invitation to the TF-Media group.
- After the meeting Michael Stücheli (SWITCH) contacted Peter and offered to harvest metadata from the SWITCHcollection repository. Michael, Eli and Giannis were put in touch.
- In the meantime, Eli and Giannis will try and harvest good quality metadata for both portal implementations from Greece (GRNET), Israel (IUCC), and Switzerland (SWITCH) national repositories.
- Peter (TERENA) will write a news item about the TERENA OER portal pilot and invite other national repositories to participate.
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Preliminary agenda:
- TERENA OER presentation at LAK (ISEP)
- ARIADNE update (GRNET)
- MAOR update (IUCC)
- Metadata harvesting from SWITCHcollection and others (TERENA)
- Metadata mini-survey (GRNET)
As we discussed during the last meeting I fully support the idea of combining the MAOR and ARIADNE technologies to set up the Terena OER portal. I see the following three options: