Meeting ID: 659 3425 9919
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114216575@ by H.323 NB: The meeting will be recorded to assist with note taking.
Federations in Attendance (
- Australian Access Federation (AAF) - Australia
- GARR/IDEM - Italy
- DFN-AAI - Germany
- eduID.hu -Hungary
- eduID.cz - Czech Republic
- GaKuNin - JapanGakuNin
- UKfederation - United Kingdom
- SAFIRE - South Africa
- AAI@EduHr
- - Croatia
- Canadian Access Federation (CAF) - Canada
- SWAMID - Sweden
- HAKA - Finland
- CYNET IF - Cyprus
- PIONIER.Id - Poland
- RCTSaai - Portugal
- LEAF -Moldova
- RićerkaNET IF - Malta
- Fédération Éducation-Recherche - France
- SWITCHaai - Switzerland
- safeID - Slovakia
- WAYF - Denmark
- SIR - Spain
- MINGA - Ecuador
- INFED - India
- IRFED - Iran
- CARSI - China
Attendees (36)
- Terry Smith (AAF)
- Casper Dreef (GÉANT)
- Davide Vaghetti (GARR/IDEM)
- Eisake Sakane (GaKuNin)
- Jan Oppolzer (eduID.cz)
- Guy Halse (SAFIRE)
- Christos Kanellopoulos (GÉANT)
- Pål Axelsson (SWAMID)
- Jari Toropainen (HAKA)
- Chris Phillips (CAF)
- Aristos Anastatiou (CynetIFCasper Dreef (GÉANT)
- Wolfgang Pempe (DFN-AAI)
- Attila László (eduID.hu)
- Maja Górecka-Wolniewicz (PIONIER.Id)
- Attila Laszlo János Mohácsi (eduID.hu/KIFÜ)
Jan Oppolzer (eduID.cz - Esmeralda Pires (RCTSaai)
- Eisaku Sakane Valentin Pocotilenco (GakuNinLEAF)
- Alex Stuart (UKfederation)
- Guy Halse (SAFIRE)
- Donald Coetzee (SAFIRE)
- Miroslav Milinovic (AAI@EduHr)
- )
- Tomasz Wolniewicz (PIONIER.Id)
- Marina Adomeit (SWAMID)
- Mario Reale (GÉANT)
- Miroslav Milinovic (AAI@EduHR)
- Daniel Muscat (RićerkaNET Identity Federation)
- Anass Chabli (Fédération Éducation-Recherche)
- Thomas Baerecke (SWITCHaai)
- Martin Stanislav (safeID)
- Mads Freek Petersen (WAYF)
- José Manuel Macias (SIR)
- Donal Coetzee (SAFIRE)
- Claudio Chacon (MINGA)
- Sven Gabriel (NIKHEF)
- Raja Visvanathan (INFED)
- Nicole Harris (GÉANT)
- Licia Florio (GÉANT)
- Saeed Khademi (IRFED)
- Ping Chen (CARSI)
- Janos Mohacsi (eduID.huChris Phillips (CANARIE)
Apologies (xx)
- ...
Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement