Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement
Terry Smith (Chair) opened the eSG meeting and went through the open action. Two open actions from the March meeting can be closed. The open action on yearly auditing remains open.
Open actions
There were no additional agenda points proposed.
Membership Updates and Joining
The SG welcomed TIGERfed from Bangladesh as newest eduGAIN member.
Further candidacy updates were discussed under Team Updates: Business Development.
Team Updates
Operation team:
Contact information management
Only 31/72 federations have a dedicated security contact listed on the technical website.
It would be very helpful to the security team if all federations have a dedicated security contact listed.
Management contact: checked all federations' signed policies and noticed that for many the signing organisation no longer exists or the signatory has left the organization.
The Secretariat would like to set up a management contact database. Reasons to set up:
1) Federation Operator isn't responding to messages from the Support or Security team
2) Federation Operator isn't responding to messages from Chair, service owner and secretariat.
3) To confirm delegate changes
ACTION: Secretariat to create database
ACTION: Send out request to provide a security contact before 1st July
Support team:
Business development:
Team updates Security team:
EOSC AAI Federation
Re-imaging eduGAIN
Future SG Meetings, Any other business, Summary and Actions
Any Other Business:
Future SG meetings 2021: