Europe/Amsterdam (GMT+0100, and GMT+0200 from April to October)
Telephone Number
+31 12345679 (SOME GEAN OFFICE NUMBER, where the Operator at least knows what to do when contacted on security issues related to eduGAIN)44 1223 733033
Facsimile Number
Other Telecommunication/Instant messaging
OTHER METHODS MONITORED BY THE eduGAIN-CSIRT (keybase? slackchannel?)Not applicable
Electronic Mail Address
abuse@edugain.org This address can be used to report all security incidents which relate to the eduGAIN participants. This is a mail alias that relays mail to the human(s) on duty for the eduGAIN-CSIRT.
The key and its signatures can be found at the usual large public keyservers.
Team Members
The eduGAIN-CSIRT team is coordinated by the eduGAIN-CSIRT security officer . Other team members along with their contact information are listed at the eduGAIN-CSIRT web page: https://edugain.org/edugain-security/ <team member section needs to be added/maintained. I'm fine with having my name there, Daniel, Romain would need to give their OK as well.>and it is composed by security officers and experts from the constituent participants. The current team consists of the following persons:
- Sven Gabriel, NIKHEF (Team Member)
- Daniel Kouril, CESNET (Team Member)
- Davide Vaghetti, GARR (Security Officer)
- Romain Wartel, CERN (Team Member)
Other Information
General information about eduGAIN security is in https://edugain.org/edugain-security/