Team Members
The eduGAIN CSIRT team team is coordinated by the eduGAIN CSIRT security officer and it is composed by security officers and experts from the constituent participants and the Research and Education community. The current team consists of the following persons:
composition is available on the eduGAIN wiki: <URL>
Other Information
General information about eduGAIN security is in https://edugain.org/edugain-security/
The eduGAIN CSIRT provides a central contact and support point for security incidents , and it at the inter-federation level. It will work in close collaboration with Federation Security Contacts and Federation Operators to coordinate the investigation and resolution of suspected security incidents at the inter-federation level.
eduGAIN CSIRT will use the information you provide to help solve security incidents affecting eduGAIN. This means that by default the information will be distributed further to the appropriate parties – but only on a need-to-know base, and preferably anonymized.
Incident Response
eduGAIN CSIRTs major IT security incident management function is incident coordination across eduGAIN Federations.