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Attendees: Vicente, Eli, Giannis, Kostas, Nelson, Adam, Tibor, Antonio, Jean-Francois, Sigita, Peter Links and Attachements
Notes from Giannis (GRNET) Outcomes of the discussions
GRNET actions
Anchor 7th 7th
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Attendees: Adam, Vicente, Eli, Peter, Sigita, Kostas, Giannis, Nelson Recordings: http://emeeting.campusdomar.es/recording/a18776711ec9a1ba563a68ecde656eef Minutes: 1) Status of the initial study, comments by GRNET, Wiki content, etc. V: the two documents are mainly definition of the service - lacks info what the system will look like and what features will it provide P: you don’t font the info needed for development? - clear concrete feature list to be determined during the face-to-face meeting E: the players of the project will be clearly explained in the next version of the document (to be produced in a few days) - looking for input, comments V: used to working on user driven basis - need to understand what the users are expecting; need to check user specifications (not to be fulfilled at first, but need to make sure that the architecture is ready to be updated for the later versions) K: […?] P: Kostas already working on aggregation of the metadata, had a look at the status and statistics - must be part of the document (screenshots, etc.) - to understand what features can be/cannot be implemented; architecture has to be flexible for when we are ready to implement more P: metadata - a must, paradata - might be left for a later stage K: issues with getting repositories to expose their paradata G: the only source of paradata - OER portal - maybe more in the future (if we want paradata, this has to be collected through the portal) V: the system currently only collects statistics, but ratings are easy to add G: better to have the users express this kind of requirement
G:should professors be the primary persona? maybe would be good to have one primary focus. P: two groups - end users and system admins, would not split those groups further E: risky to use interviews with professors - can focus on very narrow solutions, need large scale interviews, need to understand what is the state of the art in the world, find more common, most relevant features V: in any case, need to be connected to the prospective end-users - maybe a more complete survey is needed? P: continuous feedback necessary G: 20-30 interviews needed, but due to time limitations a prototype is needed - create the first version and then ask the users for feedback
G: made a new version of the study, no major changes only improvements and small additions E: integrated most of the comments, got comments from more professionals (mainly professors) - new version will be circulated within 10 days from now
ACTION: Giannis will send his updated version, Elis will prepare a draft for the face-to-face meeting
2) Web front-end development P: work for Vicente’s team will be defined during the face-to-face meeting V: need a definition asap - features and structure; also need a contract asap to define man power P: will start an e-mail dialogue with Giannis and others to give you more clarity before the face-to-face meeting and also start working on the paper work (contracts) now E: study document contains quite some information about the features etc. that can be used
P: the first version of this application profile should come from Giannis and Kostas G: we can provide first proposal for that, but its an exercise based on the real needs of the users V: use the user stories for the exercise P: plus personas described on the wiki
3) Face to face meeting preparation P: will prepare an agenda, full day meeting (9:00-17:00), send your arrival times, dinner possible the day before; will need to make decisions during this meeting, so good agenda and good preparation is crucial; booking hotels might be difficult - will prepare some recommendations
4) GN4 Task 3 update 5) Position paper of NRENs on Open Education
6) Priorities, deadlines, AoB G: Application profile deadline - before the face-to-face meeting? P: definitely - need to have the new versions of the study from everyone, will try to incorporate work from the wiki, and the application profile; will come up with a draft agenda as well and send it out for comments V: comments for the user stories are welcome - can be found on google.docs |