An additional list of features that will not be tested (and why) may may be included, along with the reasons. For example, it may be explained that a feature will not be available or completely implemented at the time of testing. This map prevent possible misunderstandings and feature creepwaste of effort in tracking the defects that are not related to the plan.
This section describes the strategy of the test plan that is appropriate for the plan level of the plan and in agreement with other related plans. It may describe extend the background to the greater extent than expressed and contextual information provided in the introductionsintroduction.
Rules and processes that should be described include:
- Detailed and prioritised objectives
- Scope (if not fully define by lists of items and features)
- Tools that will be used
- Needs for specialized trainings
- Metrics to be collected and granularity of their collection
- How the results will be evaluated
- Resources and assets to be used, such as people, hardware, software, and facilities
- Amounts of different types of testing at all included levels
- Other requirements and constrains
- Organisation Overall organisation and timing of the internal processes, phases, activities and deliverables
- Organisation Internal and external communication and organisation of the meetings
- Configuration management for the tested system, used tools and overall test environment
- Number and kind of different tested configurations
- Change management
The discussion of change management should define how to manage the changes of the testing process that may be caused by the feedback from the actual testing or due to external factors. This includes the handling of the consequences of detected defects that affect further testing, but also dealing with requirements or elements that cannot be tested and as well as parts of testing process that may be recognized as useless or impractical.
Some elements of the approach are detailed in subsequent sections.
Item (and Phase) Criteria
This section describes what is produced by the testing process. These deliverables my be the subject of quality assessment before their final approval or acceptance, and besides all the elements of test documentation that are described here, may also include test data used during testing, test scripts, code for execution of tests in testing frameworks and outputs from test tools.
Testing Activities
This section details testing activities and tasks, along with their dependencies and estimates of duration and the resource required.
Test Environment or Test Bed is an execution environment configured for testing. It may consist of specific hardware, OS, network topology, configuration of the product under test, other application or system software, test tools, etc. The Test Plan for a project should enumerated the test beds(s) to be used.