On the common industry practices and with the strong influence from IEEE 829, and its sequel/update ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-3, which even provides even templates for both traditional (sequential and iterative) and agile approaches.
All documents should start the following common elements (metadata):
- Organizational numeric identifier of the document
- Descriptive and identifying name
- Document date
- Version number
- Authors and their contacts
- Version history (table with version numbers, dates, contributors and descriptions of changes)
References/Supporting Documents
Document identifiers/names, version numbers and hyperlinks of individual document should be provided.
Organisational/Strategic Level
List of all documents that support the test plan. Document identifiers/names, version numbers and hyperlinks of individual document should be provided. Documents that can be referenced include:
Depending on the approach defined in the test plan, it may be produced periodically, on completion of milestones or phases, or on demand. If periodic, it may be a base for continuous tracking through progress charts. Individual status reports are also sources for the test completion report.
On the top of the report that contains standard metadata in the condensed form shuld be provided, but without version history, since the document itself is considered to be a quick snapshot.
The document can start or end with totals of passed, failed and pending test cases, scenarios or tests, and identified defects (if individually tracked). It may also deliver the coverage of test cases or code, consumption of resources and other established progress metrics. Close to this summary, a comprehensive assessment should be provided.
Test Completion Report
The test completion or summary report is a management report that brings together the key information uncovered by the accomplished tests. It recapitulates the results of the testing activities and indicates whether the tested system is fit for purpose according to whether or not it has met acceptance criteria defined in the project plan. This is the key document in deciding whether the quality of the system and the performed are sufficient for to allow taking of the step following the testing. Although it provides a working assessment on success or failure of the system under test, the final decision is made by the evaluation team.
The test summary report can have a structure similar to the test status report, but some details can be omitted from its tables. If there are if more than dozen items, consider reducing the number them at the higher level of
On the other hand, the narrative can be more elaborate, and it should also bring together all significant issues that were reported in individual status reports.