- Test Design Specification
- Test Case Specification
- Test Data RequirementsTest Data ReportTest Environment Requirements
- Test Environment Report
- Test Execution Log
- Detailed Test Results
- Test Incident Report
Specific test techniques to be used are selected and justified. Particular test management, configuration management and incident management tools may be mandated. Code reviews, static and dynamic code analysis or unit testing tools may support the testing work. Test automation software tools may be used to generate, prepare and inject data, set up test preconditions, control the execution of tests, and capture outputs. The method for the inspection and analysis of test results should be also identified. The evaluation can be done on base of visual inspection of behaviours and outputs, or use of instruments, monitors, assertions, log scanners, pattern matching programs, output comparators, or coverage measurement and performance testing tools.
The test script is a sequence for instructions that need to be carried out on the tested system in order to execute a test case, or test a part of system functionality. These instructions may be given in the form suitable for manual testing or, in automated testing, as short programs written in a scripting or general purpose programming language. For software systems or applications, there are test tools and frameworks that allow specification and continuous or repeatable execution of prepared automated tests.
Test Data
This document describes the data used in testing. It is typically produced in two stages.
First, the data requirements that are implied by the test plan and test design are put together. At the same time On the base of use cases, the tools for preparation or generation of test data are selected. Since the test case specifications provide more elaborate details , and the on the base of
Test Environment Report
This document describes the data used in testing. It is typically produced in two stages. First, the requirements for the test environment that are implied by the test plan, test design specification and possibly even the test cases are put together, and the initial
Test Data Report
Test Environment or Test Bed is an execution environment configured for testing. It may consist of specific hardware, OS, network topology, configuration of the product under test, other application or system software, test tools, etc. The Test Plan for a project should enumerated the test beds(s) to be used.
Test Execution Log
The test execution log is the record of test cases executions and obtained results, in the order of their running. Along with test incident reports, the test execution log is a base for test status and completion reports. If the testing is organised around scenarios instead of test cases, the general structure of the log is unchanged, except that inputs, states and outputs are replaced with interpretation of the interactions and results for each segment of the scenario, supported by key excerpts or snapshots of characteristic inputs and outputs.
The data captured in the test execution log, along with other test level specifications and reports, should be sufficient to reproduce individual tests, that is, to recreate the needed setup, execute the test and produce same or similar results.
Detailed Test Results
Detailed Test Results, which a tester gets after performing the test, is always documented along with the test case during the test execution phase. After performing the tests, the actual outcome is compared with the expected outcome and the deviations are noted. The deviation, if any, is known as defect.