First, the data requirements that are implied by the test plan and test design are put together.They include requirements related to type, range, representativeness, quality, amount, validity, consistency and coherency of test data. Additional concerns may related to sharing of test data with the development team or even end users.
If test data are not entirely fabricated, but is extracted from the existing databases or services and can be associated with the real services, processes, business entities or persons, the policies and technical procedures for its anonymisation, obfuscation or protection may need to be established. If data are generated, then the approach for creation of adequate data should be established, and validity of tests results obtained with such data elaborated. On the base of the set test levels and use cases, the tools or means for or collection, generation preparation of test data are defined.
This document describes the data used in testingtest environment. It is typically produced in two stages.
First, the requirements for the test environment that are bed implied by the test plan, test design specification and possibly even the individual test cases are put together, and the initial
the test environment setup is designed. The test bed requirement related to the test level, system features and requirements, test items, test data, testing scenarios and procedures, chosen support, measurement and monitoring tools are put together. Security, safety and regulatory concerns are also considered. The policies and arrangement for sharing of the test bed and allocated resources with other teams or users are established.
The initial design can be a simple deployment diagram or test bed implementation project, but it should cover all elements of the setup, including hardware, software, network and configuration. If some needed components are not immediately available, the staged implementation schedule or workarounds need to be devised. At least the most important test cases are eche
setup, limitations and maintenance for test environment
Test Environment or Test Bed is an execution environment configured for testing. It may consist of specific hardware, OS, network topology, configuration of the product under test, other application or system software, test tools, etc. The Test Plan for a project should enumerated the test beds(s) to be used.
The limitations of test data and supporting tools are identified and explained what to do in order mitigate these limitations during test execution and interpretation and evaluation of the results. Finally, the measures that ensure usability and relevancy of test data throughout testing process need to be conducted. They include data maintenance, for example to support the changes in the system, but also data versioning and backup. The decisions and knowledge produced during the preparation of the test data should be captured in the second stage of writing of this reportTest Environment or Test Bed is an execution environment configured for testing. It may consist of specific hardware, OS, network topology, configuration of the product under test, other application or system software, test tools, etc. The Test Plan for a project should enumerated the test beds(s) to be used.
Test Execution Log
The test execution log is the record of test cases executions and obtained results, in the order of their running. Along with test incident reports, the test execution log is a base for test status and completion reports.These documents allow direct checking of the progress of the testing and provides valuable information for finding out what caused an incident.