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Federations in Attendance (
- ...
Attendees (xx)
- ...
- GRNET - Greece
- HAKA - Finland
- AAF - Australia
- PIONIER.Id - Poland
- TAAT - Estonia
- AAI@Edu.HR - Croatia
- eduID.cz - Czech Republic
- UK Federation - United Kingdom
- IDEM - Italy
- SWAMID - Sweden
- RTCSaai - Portugal
- safeID - Slovakia
- CIF - Cyprus
- CAFe - Brazil
- SAFIRE - South-Africa
- SIR - Spain
- FIEL - Redclara
- LEAF - Moldova
- GakuNin- Japan
- Edugate - Ireland
Attendees (27)
- Casper Dreef (GÉANT)
- Jari Toropainen (HAKA)
- Terry Smith (AAF)
- Tomasz Wolniewicz (PIONIER.Id)
- Kenneth Muuli (TAAT)
- Dubravko Penezic (AAI@Edu.HR)
- Jan Oppolzer (eduID.cz)
- Alex Stuart (UK Federation)
- Maja Górecka-Wolniewicz (PIONIER.Id)
- Davide Vahetti (IDEM)
- Pål Axelsson (SWAMID)
- Esmeralda Pires (RTCSaai)
- Martin Stanislav (safeID)
- Andreas Theodorou (CIF)
- Mario Reale (GÉANT)
- Laerte Belotto (CAFe)
- Halil Adem (GRNET)
- Donald Coetzee (SAFIRE)
- Jose Manuel Macias (SIR)
- Carlos Junior
- Rui Rubeiro (CAFe)
- Guy Halse (SAFIRE)
- Edgar (FIEL)
- Miguel Angel (FIEL)
- Valentin Pocotilenco (LEAF)
- Eisaku Sakane (GakuNin)
- Glenn Wearen (Edugate)
Apologies (1)
- Wolfgang Pempe (DFN-AAI)
- ...
Minutes of the previous meeting - eduGAIN SG - September 2022
Reporting: checking the functionality to check Federation contact details.
The F-ticks action is done.
Membership Updates and Joining
MRPS template (REFEDS): https://wiki.refeds.org/display/FBP?preview=/1605645/31981587/MRPS-templatev1.pdf
Action: add template update to the REFEDS workplan.
Chris: propose that all federations adhere to the template.
Pal: I don't think this is feasible.
Davide: Probably also need to update other policy documents when the we implement outputs of the Futures WG.
Chris: Reduce the overhead. The baseline should be adhered to.
Team Updates
OT: added Modified Entities. List of entityIDs that have been modified in a specific period. The XML code of the federation has been changed. Available on the API page.
Aggregation operation was timing out. Some feeds take a long time to download. Working on improving the process. Time limit is now set on 3 minutes. Only a few take longer to download.
Working on the streamline the process of updating the technical website. We want to enable the federation operator to update some information about their own federation. We are using eduTEAMS for this. We are working on a process of "what should be updated and managed by whom".
Pål: This question comes down to trust.
Chris: There are discrete changes that might need extra protection. Securing change. We should champion the use of MFA. For those who are not ready for that, we need some extra vetting. We need to be the exemplar of what the right behavior is.
Pål: REFEDS MFA + forcedAuthn + REFEDS RAF as standard and step up for others.
Support team: not much to report on. Quiet period. Most important update is trying to track down the unsolvable tickets. The team is working on a format to highlight those issues in the UKfed logs.
Reporting tool: In the process to incorporate f-ticks. Also setting up eduTEAMS to deploy the private section of the reporting, where you can see the score of federation. This is the final testing phase. All eSG representatives will be asked to sign up on eduTEAMS and with that the federation operator will be able to use the Reporting Tool.
Security team: Good response to the security challenge. Results will be shared in due course.
Open redirect is an issue for the Shibboleth SP. The team is monitoring in and raising awareness around this issue. The security team could provide regular reports and updates. How often is the question.
Voting ballots were sent to accept the RFC2350 and ToR documents. So far we have received 21 responses. Some voters only voted on only one of the two documents.
eduGAIN Working Groups: Futures
Please feel free to add your comments to the document. The secretariat will organise a series of open Futures Working Group meetings in the new year to discuss changes for the eduGAIN Governance model. The aim is to finalise the proposal end of Q1 2023.
Any other business
Chris: Call the attention to Shib SP changes. It might have implications for SIRTFI. Transition from older SPs to newer SPs will be a thing.
FedCM - W3C work will have an impact on our environment.
Future SG Meetings, Summary and Actions
Pal: Please sent out dates of the next meetings.
Terry: AsiaPacific meeting will 13-17 March - collocate the eSG meeting?