The primary source of holistic information about GÉANT software projects is Software Catalogue (SC). It is a GÉANT-wide system (hosted and developed by WP9T2) that collects and delivers a variety of information about GÉANT-created software. The SC provides a rich and consistent profile for a single software project, no matter if its resources are hosted in a single place or are distributed over the Internet (issue trackers, Git repositories, etc.). That way, SC provides a big picture from two perspectives: the individual project, and the entire organization. Project records cover a broad spectrum of information including (but not limited to) automatically discovered data, such as community members, technology stack, analytics and reports (statistics, visualisations for: code, issues tracker, member's activity), as well as manually maintained information (e.g., basic description, specific practices applied by the team). The SC integrates smoothly with external analytical tools such as SonarQube and WhiteSourceMend, and provides the access to data in GitHub and GitLab (which is coming soon!) to learn more about the project offer than what these tools can tell about the source code and its evolution.