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eduGAIN Steering Group Meeting
24th May 07:00 UTC: In your time zone
06:45 UTC | Arrival & "Can you hear me now?"
| |
07:00 UTC | Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement | Terry Smith, AAF, Chair |
07:05 UTC | Membership Updates and Joining | Casper Dreef, Secretariat |
07:20 UTC | Team Updates
| Davide Vaghetti, IDEM, Service owner |
07:40 UTC | Working Groups update | Secretariat |
08:10 UTC | Any other business | |
08:25 UTC | Future SG meetings, Summary and Actions | |
08:30 UTC | Meeting Close |
Connection Details
Meeting ID: 659 3425 9919
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- Password is shared in the meeting invitation
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Federations in Attendance (xx)
- UK Federation (United Kingdom)
- SWITCHAAI (Switzerland)
- PIONIER.pl (Poland)
- SWAMID (Sweden)
- IDEM (Italy)
- AAI@EduHR (Croatia)
- RiçercaNET IF (Malta)
- SAFIRE (South-Africa)
- LEAF (Moldova)
- GRNET (Greece)
- SIR (Spain)
- AAIEduMK (North-Macedonia)
- CIF (Cyprus)
- AAF (Australia)
- eduID.cz (Czech Republic)
- GakuNin (Japan)
Attendees (xx)
- Alex Stuart (UK Federation)
- Thomas Baerecke (SWITCHAAI)
- Nicole Harris (GÉANT)
- Maja Górecka-Wolniewicz (PIONIER.pl)
- Casper Dreef (GÉANT)
- Pål Axelsson (SWAMID)
- Davide Vaghetti (IDEM)
- Mijo Derek (AAI@EduHR)
- Daniel Muscat (Riçercanet IF)
- Donald Coetzee (SAFIRE)
- Guy Halse (SAFIRE)
- Tomasz Wolniewicz (PIONIER.pl)
- Valentin Pocotilenco (LEAF)
- Halil Adem (GRNET)
- Jose Maria Maciás (SIR)
- Boro Jakimovski (AAIEduMK)
- Dubravko Penezic (AAI@EduHR
- Aristos Anastasiou (CIF)
- Terry Smith (AAF)
- Jan Oppolzer (eduID.cz)
- Eisaku Sakane (GakuNin)
Apologies (xx)
- János Mohácsi (eduID.hu)
- Wolfgang Pempe (DFN-AAI)
Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement
Minutes of the previous meeting - eduGAIN SG - March 2022
Membership Updates and Joining
- FIEL, RedClara
- ThaiREN Identity Federation, Thailand
- iAMRES, Serbia
- eduID.africa, African catch-all federation
- AzScienceNet, Azerbaijan
- RaFiKi, Kenia
Updated eduGAIN New Candidate Process
Suspended Members:
- MATE, Argentina
- CAFMoz, Mozambique - update
Guy: Ubuntunet conference in September.
Team Updates
Operation team:
Business as usual.
Funny behaviour for FEDURUS. They refresh MD and shut down regularly.
Document link testing. Add downtime. Some federations never had their documents up.
HSM signing runs smoothly.
DFN-CERT members have now been onboarding. Working on threats and venerabilities.
Communication challange for SIRTFI contacts. The team will contact the entities directly. Before the team will either contact the eduGAIN members first or make the communication challenge a choice of each member.
We could organise a dedicated WG meeting around this.
eduGAIN Working Groups: Futures
Nicole presented a draft of the white paper. The secretariat is planning a full presentation at the REFEDS meeting at TNC22. Remote participation is also possible.
Any other business
It was confirmed that Peter Brand informed the community about his name change.
Future SG Meetings, Summary and Actions
Future SG meetings 2022:
#1 - 22th March 12:00 UTC