15:30 Discussion on plans
16:30 Topic item (can run two parallel topics if demand)) Links between Business dev and everyone! (45 mins)
- Outreach & new users
- CBAs
- KPIs
17:15 eduGAIN Monitoring
17:45 Wrapup17:30 Wrapup, close day 1
18:30 Dinner somewhere
08:30-09:00 Meet & greet, boarding pass, coffee
09:00-10:15 - Topic in depth (can run two parallel topics if demand)15 Transitions to service
- Understanding the handover service documentation template - service definition, operational requirements & documentation and user support
- Designing OLAs for operations
- Tools & systems e.g.. ticketing requirements, shared helpdesk
10:15-10:30 Coffee
10:30-11:45 - Topic in depth (can run two parallel topics if demand)
- Links between Daniela & Lukas's tasks
- Attributes
- SIRFTI & Assurance
- eduGAIN central tools and integration of T2 tools
- Links between Lukas & Maarten's task
- Assurance / 2nd factor
- Scheduled Links between Business dev and everyone!
- Outreach & new users
- CBAs
- KPIs
- Scheduled Transitions to service
- Understanding the handover service documentation template - service definition, operational requirements & documentation and user support
- Designing OLAs for operations
- Tools & systems e.g.. ticketing requirements, shared helpdesk
- Brainstorming for VOPaaS service name
- Transitions from AARC?
- Scheduled eduGAIN MonitoringMonitoring
Meeting will take place at SWITCH: http://www.switch.ch/about/contact/