Code Block |
EAPIdentityProviderList EAPIdentityProvider+ (version, lang, ID) ValidUntil? AuthenticationMethods+ AuthenticationMethod* EAPMethod? Type TypeSpecific VendorSpecific ServerSideCredential? CA* (format, encoding) ServerID* ClientSideCredential OuterIdentity? InnerIdentityPrefix? InnerIdentitySuffix? InnerIdentityHint? Username? UserName? Password? ClientCertificate? (format, encoding) IntermediateCACertificate* (format, encoding) Passphrase? PAC? ProvisionPAC? InnerAuthenticationMethod EAPMethod? NonEapMethod? Type TypeSpecific? VendorSpecific* ServerSideCredential? ClientSideCredential? CredentialApplicability IEEE80211* SSID? ConsortiumOID? MinRSNProto? IEEE8023* NetworkID ProviderInfo? DisplayName* Description* ProviderLocation* Longitude Latitude ProviderLogo (mime, encoding) TermsOfUse* Helpdesk? EmailAddress* WebAddress* Phone* VendorSpecific? |
The EAP metadatafile can contain extra information about the InnerIdentity, mostly used to streamline domain specific form elements:
contains the required domain prefix if any. E.g. DOMAIN/InnerIdentitySuffix
contains the required domain suffix, if any. E.g. @DOMAINInnerIdentityHint
is a boolean, telling the app to populate the InnerIdentity field using the InnerIdentityPrefix or Suffix and placing the cursur a the correct place (after the / if prefix is used or before the @ in the case of suffix)..
contains a list of CA's that should contain valid CA certificates.
contains the client certificate, optionally protected by a passphrase
Certificates have a format and encoding attribute. The format should be X.509 and encoding base64.ClientCertificate
1.1. Methods and authentication