Name | Assurance |
Description | Assurance of the identity of the user, following REFEDS Assurance Framework (RAF). Following RAF values are qualified and automatically set for all MyAccessIDidentitiesMyAccessID identities:
Following RAF values are set if the currently used authentication provider asserts (or otherwise qualifies to) them:
Following compound profiles are asserted if the user qualifies to them - Experimental
Assurange of the identify of the user, following AARC-G021 - Experimental Users logging-in via non-institutional Identity Providers (e.g. Google, ORCID) will have the following assurance value:
Assurange of the identify of the user, MyAccessID specific - Experimental Users logging-in via non-institutional Identity Providers (e.g. Google, ORCID) will have the following assurance values:
SAML Attribute(s) | urn:oid: (eduPersonAssurance) |
OIDC claim(s) | eduperson_assurance |
OIDC claim location | The claim is available in: ☐ ID token ☑ Userinfo endpoint ☐ Introspection endpoint |
OIDC scope | eduperson_assurance |
Origin | MyAccessID is the origin for values it has set (see description). The current authentication provider is the origin for the values it asserts (or otherwise qualifies to). |
Changes | Yes |
Multiplicity | Multi-valued |
Availability | Mandatory |
Example |
Notes | This attribute defines just the identity assurance. Authentication assurance is described using authentication contexts (SAML authentication context or OIDC acr claim). |