At this point you may find out that the SimpleSAMLphp version that your OS comes with is too old. Please download a new one and install it. Check the apache.conf of the newly installed SimpleSAMLphp and take it into use at /etc/apache2/conf-available with
Code Block |
ln -sf /var/simplesamlphp-1.19.8/config/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/simplesamlphp.conf |
In config.php you may need to change 'baseurlpath' from 'simplesaml/' to 'simplesamlphp/. 'In /usr/share/letswifi-portal/etc/letswifi.conf.php the 'autoloadInclude' needs to be changed to point to the correct SimpleSAMLphp version. Please also comment out the 'idpList' value if present, it is not needed with federation metadata.