"latitude": float number, --> latitude in degrees,decimal fractional minutes (note: we do not use this information anymore, yet it cannot be empty)
"longitude": float number, --> longitude in degrees,decimal fractional minutes (note: we do not use this information anymore, yet it cannot be empty)
"altitude": float number, --> altitude in meters(it can be empty)
"locationName": string, --> tested location name (can be empty)
"locationMethod": string, --> typical values are 'Through IP' or 'Geolocation' (note: we do not use this information anymore, yet it cannot be empty)
"testToolType": string --> typical values are "wifiprobe", "NetTest", "boomerang" to distinguish between measurement tools
"testToolTypeVersion": string --> version of the tool used (e.g. 1.0)
"testDeviceId": string --> ID (e.g. MAC address) of device used for preforming the test
"testDeviceLocationDescription": string --> describes the location of the test device
"testType": string --> describes the exact test (e.g. wifiscan, netperformance, ...)
"testInstanceID": string --> measurement ID (unique hash generated by the test device)
"testTimeStamp": string --> date & time when the test has been performed (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)