Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 min | Updates | Davide | Proposal to TechEx: to have a session about the activities of OIDC for R&E, collecting inputs from all the different groups working on OIDC. Submitted Maarten submitted it and awaiting reaction right now. |
30 min | Meeting May 15 and 16 in Amsterdam | Davide, Roland and Steffen | May 15 and 16: meeting in Amsterdam. To review the learning materials that Roland and others have developed for the OJOU course. Trying A second goal is to try to find a way to let non-technical people (influencers and decision makers) understand what we are doing with OIDCfed, and what's in there for them. The original idea for the meeting in Amsterdam came from a discussion with Irina Mikhailiva from the GÉANT Learning and Development team, where it became clear that you need both courses for technicians, but also information for people like CEO's and other high-level people in the NREN community that have no time to know all the details. People like Ann, Licia and Nicole can give us feedback to make sure we get our message/information right. They, unfortunately, won't be there at the Amsterdam meeting, so we will be spending less time on this than first expected. However, we can discuss this topic further during the TNC meeting. We should find the quick/easy answer to the question: Why should we do everything again as we already have done it all in SAML (what's in it for me)? We can also look the mailinglist mailing list to get input for this. Furthermore we should discuss starting And we can start a central webpage to collect and disseminate all the information about OIDCfed. We need a technical writer for this. Someone from GÉANT (Karl Meyer et al) and/or Ann can help us with this. We can also have a face-to-face discussion then about other topics as well in Amsterdam. Steffen: leaving late on May 16, so has time in the afternoon open to talk about coding and other topics. Roland: leaving around 19.00, so time for this as well. Action: Davide will send around all the learning materials that we have right now to the people who will be at the Amsterdam meeting. Action: All attendees of the Amsterdam meeting will review the learning materials before the meeting. |
10 min | TNC18 Meeting | Davide, Roland | What will we have ready for TNC18? Roland: Google libraries mostly done (but not Java). Deadline is in a few weeks for all three libraries. Have started to work on a federation example, three minifeds according to the three different proposals on how to do this. |
10 min | Questions from Steffen | Steffen, Davide and Roland | PyOIDC: this is stable? Roland: yes. GN4-3: who is writing the whitepaper for us? Davide: Licia Floria (GÉANT) is writing this and Davide is in contact with her about this. RP for Django and/or Bottle: Steffen will work on this (not a question, just wanting to let people know) |
Action items
- Davide Vaghetti will ask Maarten Kremers and Roland Hedberg about TechEx
- Hervé BOURGAULT will find out if FranceConnect endorse/use the OIDC iGOV profile
- Davide Vaghetti will send around all the learning materials that we have right now to the people who will be at the Amsterdam meeting
- Steffen Klemer will ask Maarten Kremers about the administration of hours