- Updates on regional collaboration and working groups + working in groups
- Updates from other Security Collaborations
- Recent developments and activities (papers/presentations welcome please let us know if you would like to present)
- GÉANT GN4-3 Security work package (WP8) update, how can SIG-ISM be involved?
- WP8-task1: Business Continuity
- WP8-task2: Security baselining, frameworks, benchmarking, risk management: What do we want to achieve, how can you contribute?
- WP8-task3: Security products and services
- Review of (CLAW) guideline for crisismanagement
If you have questions regarding the meeting, please contact Sigita Jurkynaite (sigita.jurkynaite@geant.org).
Draft agenda will be published in due timeis available here.
If you would like to present on your recent activites activities or new developments, please get in touch (sigita.jurkynaite@geant.org)
Registration fees to attend hack.lu 2018 - early bird rate: 379 euro
Social event
RESTENA kindly invites all participants to the workshop to an informal
dinner after the first day of the workshop. The social event will take
place in the hotel in a very relaxed atmosphere, where we will play
skittles (nine pin bowling) and have dinner together. For the dietary
requirements, there will be vegetarian food available.
If you arrive earlier for the week-end, feel free to contact us to get
some ideas on how to spend your days in Luxembourg.
Remote participation
It will NOT be possible to connect remotely to the workshop.
Registration is now OPEN.
Some more...
In the week from 15-21st October 2018, there is also the national
Cyber-security week in Luxembourg with lots of events, which are free
of charge mostly. More information here: