We often get asked how many users eduGAIN has. eduGAIN has been designed specifically to not be able to answer this question. In order to conserve the privacy of users as much as possible, eduGAIN does not aggregate usage data centrally. A trial is underway to look at how statistics can be maintained in a privacy-preserving way (see https://f-ticks.edugain.org/), but until that time the following Guesstimates may be of interest. Please note these extrapolations are not necessarily from completely reliable sources (we googled!) and the way the precentages are applied is very crude. If you are a Federation Operator and can add more accurate data - please go ahead and add!
14 | 9% | 209,872819%223256000 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_in_Australia |
5 | Austria - ACOnet Identity Federation | 308,000 | 35,000 | 343,000 | 23 | 29 | 100% | 343,000 |
6 | Belarus - FEBAS | 586,000 | 43,000 | 629,000 | 23 | 1 |
| http://www.studyinbelarus.com.ng/universities-in-belarus.html |
7 | Belgium - Belnet Federation | 425,000 | 27,000 | 452,000 | 20 | 20 | 100% | 452,000 |
8 | Brazil - CAFe | 6,115,000 | 341,000 | 6,456,000 | 245 |
20985%5507363960 |
9 | Canada - Canadian Access Federation | 1,800,000 | no figures | 1,800,000 | 96 |
5456%0125008% | 69,040 | feed problem (information missing)! | 1,507,000 | 110,000 | 1,617,000 |
0 (information missing) | 139,000 | 42,000 | 181,000 | 20 | 20 | 100% | 181,000 |
15 | Czech Republic - eduID.cz | 417,000 | no figures | 417,000 | 84 |
84133 | 100% | 417,000 |
16 | Cyprus - Cynet Identity Federation |
17 | Denmark - WAYF | 235,000 | no figures | 235,000 | 37 |
61975%51000880 |
20 | Finland - HAKA | 297,000 | 15,000 | 312,000 | 15 |
2332 | 100% | 312,000 |
21 | France - Fédération Éducation-Recherche | 2,173,000 | no figures | 2,173,000 | 83 |
291271 | 100% | 2,173,000 | https://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/international/europe/france/ |
22 | Georgia - Grena Identity Federation | 95,000 | 12,000 | 107,000 | 17 | 2 | 12% | 12,588 |
23 | Germany - DFN AAI | 3,000,000 | 340,000 | 3,340,000 | 70 | 88 | 100% | 3,340,000 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_in_Germany |
24 | Greece - GRNET (information missing) | 603,000 | 29,000 | 632,000 | 42 | 42 | 100% | 632,000 |
25 | Hong Kong - HKAF |
26 | Hungary - eduId.hu | 398,000 | 24,000 | 422,000 | 25 |
1976%320720000 |
27 | India - INFED | 14,863,000 | no figures | 14,863,000 | 537 | 17 | 3% | 470,523 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_in_India |
28 | Iran - IR Fed | 3,350,000 | 144,000 | 3,494,000 |
| 1 |
29 | Ireland - Edugate |
!3278%153125000 |
30 | Israel - IUCC Identity Federation | 343,000 | no figures | 343,000 |
| 1 |
31 | Italy - IDEM | 2,014,000 | 103,000 | 2,117,000 | 89 | 89 | 100% | 2,117,000 | https://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/international/europe/italy/ |
32 | Japan - GakuNin | 3,874,000 | 524,000 | 4,398,000 | 181 | 7 | 4% | 170,088 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_national_universities_in_Japan |
33 | Korea - KAFE | 3,219,000 | no figures | 3,219,000 | 43 | 3 | 7% | 224,581 | https://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/international/asia/south-korea/ |
34 | Kyrgyzstan - KRENA |
35 | Latvia - LAIFE | 125,000 | 8,000 | 133,000 | 56 | 18 | 32% | 42,750 | http://www.csb.gov.lv/en/notikumi/enrolment-higher-education-institutions-latvia-has-dropped-2-45812.html |
36 | Lithuania - LITNET FEDI | 211,000 | 15,000 | 226,000 | 14 | 14 | 100% | 226,000 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_and_colleges_in_Lithuania |
37 | Luxembourg - eduID Luxembourg | 6,900 | no figures | 6,900 | 1 | 4 | 100% | 6,900 | http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/File:Number_of_tertiary_education_students_by_level_and_sex,_2015_(thousands)_YB17.png |
38 | North Macedonia - AAIEduMk | 65,000 | 4,000 | 69,000 | 5 | 2 | 40% | 27,600 |
39 | Malaysia - SIFULAN |
40 | Malta - RickerkaNet |
41 | Moldova - LEAF | 135,000 | 5,000 | 140,000 | 18 | 2 | 11% | 15,556 |
42 | Morocco- -eduIDM.ma |
43 | Mozambique - CAFMoz |
44 | New Zealand - Tuakiri |
45 | Norway - FEIDE | 219,000 | no figures | 219,000 | 1 | 1 | 100% | 219,000 | H/S |
46 | Oman - Oman KID | 75,000 | 4,000 | 79,000 | 32 | 2 | 6% | 4,938 |
47 | Oman - OMREN |
48 | Poland - PIONIER.Id | 2,150,000 | 101,000 | 2,251,000 | 131 | 11 | 8% | 189,015 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_in_Poland |
49 | Portugal - RCTSaai! | 373,000 | 35,000 | 408,000 | 32 |
825%102no figures | no figures | 0 | 26 | 10 | 38% | 0! | 1,801,000 | 152,000 | 1,953,000 | 76 |
3749%950803619,000 | 50,000 | (numbers improved by Surfnet) | 744,721 | 125,572 | 870,293 |
669,000669000293 | https://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/international/europe/netherlands/ |
62 | Turkey - YETKIM |
63 | U.S. - InCommon | 19,103,000 | 1,405,000 | 20,508,000 | 4,627 | 468 | 10% | 2,074,291 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher_education_in_the_United_States |
64 | Uganda - RIF | 124,000 | 4,000 | 128,000 | 11 | 1 |
| https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_in_Uganda |
65 | Ukraine - PEANO | 2,799,000 | 199,000 | 2,998,000 | 171 | 2 | 1% | 35,064 | https://www.4icu.org/ua/ukrainian-universities.htm |
66 | United Kingdom - UK federation | 2,415,000 | 138,000 | 2,553,000 | 481 | 746 | 100% | 2,553,000 | https://www.aoc.co.uk/about-colleges/research-and-stats/key-further-education-statistics, http://www.universitiesuk.ac.uk/facts-and-stats/Pages/higher-education-data.aspx |
83,469,900 | 4,327,000 | 87,796,900 | 7813 | 2674 | 26,804,631 | Source: http://uis.unesco.org/sites/default/files/documents/global-education-digest-2011-comparing-education-statistics-across-the-world-en.pdf | Source: http://uis.unesco.org/sites/default/files/documents/global-education-digest-2011-comparing-education-statistics-across-the-world-en.pdf
| Students in Tertiary Education
| Teaching Staff in Tertiary Education (Source: | Total Users | Tertiary Organisations (ISCED 5 and above, public) | IdPs | percentage org | average users | Notes |
| Totals | 84,632,605 | 4,461,465 | 89,094,070 |