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Image AddedAlthough using optical cables as a sensing instrument is not a new approach, several European National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) are now considering using their existing optical fibre infrastructure as a sensing instrument. This allows NRENs to both learn more about their networks and capture more information that might be of interest to other groups such as seismologists, ocean zoologists, oceanographers and other researchers.

Inspired by interest in fibre sensing and its use in NREN environments, a Network Development (NETDEV) incubator project was proposed to explore the technology and how it might be aligned with NREN use cases. This work is now continued as part of WP6 Task 1: Technologies.

From an individual NREN perspective, fibre sensing has synergies with existing technologies that NRENs already have installed and provide as services in their networks. With fibre sensing, NRENs can detect physical changes in their networks. This is important for both time and frequency distribution and quantum networking, as well as for security and operational requirements. Detected disturbances – discovered through fibre sensing – can be used to correct the optical signals that are sent. Fibre sensing also helps to pinpoint disturbances or intrusions on the cables that the operational teams rely upon for connectivity.


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Possible NREN Roles in Fibre Sensing

In all the opportunities described above, an NREN might have different roles related to fibre sensing, as presented in Figure 2.1. NRENs might enhance their already existing optical network infrastructure, or consider expanding with new functionalities. Some NRENs might decide to provision and introduce new fibre sensing instruments, targeting NRENs, but other user groups as well. Some NRENs might focus more on data acquisition and transportation, for their own purposes, or for their users, etc. 

NRENs have a variety of different stakeholders and national contexts which need to be appreciated when suggesting possible roles to be fulfilled. As such the diagram below identifies different roles to which an NREN could potentially contribute, should they wish. However, it should be understood that all of the aspects would need to be fulfilled at a national level in order for fibre sensing to be possible. An NREN can play a crucial role in supporting the development of this type of infrastructure and is uniquely positioned to enable such an instrument to be created in their country.

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