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NameDescriptionStatusPrivacy NoticesTerms of Use

The European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is pooling European resources to develop top-of-the-range exascale supercomputers for processing big data, based on competitive European technology. One of the pan-European pre-exascale supercomputers, LUMI, will be located in CSC’s data center in Kajaani, Finland. The supercomputer will be hosted by the LUMI consortium. The LUMI (Large Unified Modern Infrastructure) consortium countries are Finland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland


Puhuri Core is an API service for Resource Allocators that allows to manage Projects, Members (using CUID of Puhuri users) as well as Resource Allocations.

ProductionLink Link
PUHURI Core Beta

Puhuri Core is an API service for Resource Allocators that allows to manage Projects, Members (using CUID of Puhuri users) as well as Resource Allocations. The Beta service is used to test new features of PUHURI Core before the go to the production environment.

ProductionLink Link
Puhuri Portal

Portal for allocation of HPC resources.

ProductionLink Link
Puhuri Portal Demo

Portal for allocation of HPC resources.

ProductionLink Link
Puhuri Portal

CSCS LUMI self-service portal

Portal for accessing

HPC resources.
ProductionLink LinkPuhuri Portal CECIPortal for allocation of

HPC resources.

ProductionLink Link
Puhuri Portal

DeiC LUMI self-service portal

Portal for allocation of HPC resources.

ProductionLink Link
Puhuri Portal



Demo portal

Portal for allocation of HPC resources.

ProductionLink Link
Puhuri Portal VSCentrumPortal for allocation of HPC resources.ProductionLink Link
Puhuri Portal IT4I

EuroHPC JU LUMI self-service portal

Portal for allocation of HPC resources


Puhuri Portal LUMIPortal for allocation of HPC resourcesProductionLinkLink
Puhuri Portal Uninett

Sigma2 LUMI self-service portal

Portal for allocation of HPC resources.


SUPR is the SNIC database used to keep track of users, projects and resources.

SUPR Test Instance

SUPR is the SNIC database used to keep track of users, projects and resources. This is a test instance of SUPR.


ETAIS self-service portal

Estonian Scientific Computing Infrastructure (ETAIS) belongs to the Estonian roadmap of research infrastructures providing computing and storage

resources for Estonian scientific community

resources for Estonian scientific community.


UT HPC Virtual Desktop service

A cloud-hosted Linux desktop machine. The Virtual Desktop is available in any web browser; no client installation is required.ProductionLinkLink


Facilitates the connection to Puhuri via the UCloud platform.ProductionLinkLink

RTU HPC service

Compute services (HPC and cloud) provided by RTUProductionLinkLink

UT HPC Keycloak Service

 Authentication Proxy serving both ETAIS and Managed Services provided by UT HPC CenterProductionLinkLink

LU HPC Service

We offer a full HPC solution pipeline: based on the problem defined by the client / cooperation partner, an adequate software solution – either existing or custom development – is found and adapted for HPC. Tools for data visualization, data input/output, and simulation management are provided. We use both open-source and commercial packages, as well as our own code: OpenFOAM, Elmer, COMSOL, ANSYS, R Statistics, Python etc. A dedicated 280 CPU-core HPC cluster is at our disposal. To expand upon our spectrum of HPC solutions, we are working with the Riga Technical University (RTU) HPC center and offer the adoption of various HPC problems for cloud computing platforms.ProductionLink-

NordIQuEst portal

NordIQuEst portal for sharing access to Quantum computersProductionLinkLink

IT4I Onlyoffice

Collaborative writing and data sharingProductionLinkLink

LEXIS Platform

The LEXIS Platform aims to overcome the shortcomings of complicated access to a high-performance computing (HPC) system and management of terabyte-scale datasets by providing a clean and concise interface which will abstract both HPC and cloud resources using workflow and data management orchestration.ProductionLink-

PSI Digital User Office

At PSI, the Digital User Office (DUO) serves as the primary tool for
managing the user operation process. Overall, DUO streamlines the process of conducting
research at PSI, offering a centralized platform for managing proposals, experiments, and
administrative tasks associated with user operations
ProductionLinkLink openstack cloud service provided by CINECAProductionLinkLink

Bristol Centre for Supercomputing

Bristol Centre for Supercomputing services, including the Isambard-AI and Isambard3 supercomputers.ProductionLinkLink

SSH Open Marketplace

The Social Sciences and Humanities Open Marketplace, built as part of the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud project (SSHOC), is a discovery portal which pools and contextualises resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities: tools, services, training materials, datasets, publications and workflows. The Marketplace highlights and showcases solutions and research practices for every step of the SSH research data life cycle.ProductionLinkLink


The EOSC EU Node is a platform that primarily supports multi-disciplinary and multi-national research promoting the use of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data and supplementary services in Europe and beyond. Within this environment researchers can find easy-to-use tools and the much-needed support to both individually and collectively, plan, execute, disseminate, and assess their typical research workflows and outcomes across the EOSC ecosystem.  


EOSC Beyond

EOSC Beyond enhances EOSC Core capabilities, enabling seamless access to Open Science resources for EOSC Nodes and researchers.
