Versions Compared


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The pilot has been closed, results can be found in the Deliverables section.

Duration: March 2014 - January 2015

Budget: 43.000 EUR - Actual expenses: 39.000 EUR


The OER pilot service becomes part of the GN4 project SA8 activity starting in April 2015.


  1. Preparatory work (TF-Media)
  2. Project description (PDF)
    1. Key Performance Indicators
  3. Meeting minutes
  4. Deliverables
  5. GN3 NIF proposal (PDF)                                               

Contact details:

TF-Media mailing list is at <>

The contact person for this activity is Peter Szegedi <>



The OER small project is to bridge the gap between the end of TF-Media (finished on Dec 31, 2013) and the beginning of GN4 (April 2015). The reason why the idea must be tested in a small project before it’s introduced in GÉANT is the fact that the critical mass (in terms of participants, support, interest, etc.) has to be gained before any sustainable service development can be done. OER seems to be a typical “chicken-n-egg” problem at the moment (i.e. without a working prototype it’s hard to gain significant interest and without significant interest it’s hard to convince the development) therefore, the OER small project has to take this initiative. The OER is not the service that the NREN community is desperate to build (e.g., like the Trusted Cloud Drive pilot was in 2012) but it’s something that the lead has to be taken on (e.g., like the service pilot was in 2008) in order to facilitate the development of future value-added services on top (including MOOCs and others).

Image Modified

Delivering the pilot


More information is available in the pilot project description.



first First DRAFTs:


Additional documentation:


Back-end engine statistics

Fronf-end portal (demonstrator)


Meeting minutes

1st 1st meeting - 28 March 2014 @ 10.00 CET


8th meeting - 9 October 2014 @ 9.00-17.00 CEST (Face to face meeting in Amsterdam, Netherlands)

9th meeting - 4 December 2014 @ 14.00 CET

Next coming:


10th meeting - 19 January 2014 @11.00 CET

11th meeting - 28 January 2014 @10.00 CET (Pilot has been CLOSED)



title11th meeting


Eli, Vicente, Kostas, Adam, Peter


1) Kostas showed the statisitcal interface of the back-end.

  • 6+1 repositories are harvested using both RSS and OAI-PMH protocols. Public iTunesU targets are also harvested via RSS.
  • Documentation for content providers are available. More explanation to them is needed on how and where resources are not harvested or filtered out.
  • All together about 22k resources are harvested of which 12k are filtered in (i.e. shown in the portal).
  • 4 languages are available: English, Spanish, Hungarian and Greek (Protuguese is coming)

2) Vicente showed the front-endportal.

  • Categories based on subject field, Most viewed and Recenty added lists on the front page.
  • Both full text Google search and PuMuKit-based faceted searches are available.
  • Embeded player is not always possible (depends on what the repository owner provides)
  • Videotorium subject fields need to be translated
  • Video duration is not available everywhere
  • Some glitches here and there but good for a demonstration

Adam explained the vocabulary that Videotorim use for the subject element:

  • Translation between this vocabular and the UNESCO vocabulary used by the GÉANT OER aggregator can be done. Adam looks after this.
  • In general, we have two options: a) ask the content providers to comply with UNESCO, b) provide translation. TBC.

3) Peter elaborated on the next steps

  • Pilot is considered to be done. KPIs all met. Will be reported to TTC by Peter.
  • Final documentation will be compiled and distributed for comments by Peter. (Deadline: end of February)
  • Portal will be demoed at the GÉANT Symposium and possibly at TNC'15
  • Until the beginning of GN4 (April 2015) the team is off
  • Anyhow, we should keep the momentum and discuss on the mailing list (on a volunatry basis until April)
  • GN4 SA8 Task 3 will pick the results up and take the OER service to the next level.

Everyones' efforts and hard work are very much appreciated!


title10th meeting



As we commented during the last meeting (19th Jan) I consider the development of Geant-OER Portal done. We are currently doing tests and QA on it.
Any help testing the portal and trying to find bugs is very welcome. You will find it here:
Please, try it and send any bug reports to this list.
Open Issues:

  1. No duration and direct URL to media on OAI-Repos:
    • OAI harvested Repos are not providing duration and direct URL to the media due to DC schema limitations or other issues( iTunesU harvested Repos are working great)
  2. No Licensing info:
    •  Only copyright owner info is coming from the agregator, no licensing info for any object
  3. Deleting strategy:
    • A deleting strategy should be defined. When should be an object deleted from the portal´s DDBB ? The first day it's not included in the agregator feed ? (all paradata and link to the object will be lost). We recommend a "soft-delete" strategy (not included in the current development).
  4. VIDEOTORIUM: No Subject info
    • No subject information available from VIDEOTORIUM, no iTunesU or UNESCO Codes available.
    • A Requirements document is needed for new repos willing to join (specially for non iTunesU ones) 
  5. Static Info pages needed
    • Info, FAQ, About and Contact pages are just mockups. Real info is needed
Comments from Giannis:
  • Home page should stress the fact that this service provide access to OERs from diverse sources. We need a marketing moto at the top of the home page "Discover multimedia open educational resources from XXXX organisations" or "XXXXXX Open Educational Resources from XXXX organisations at your hands"
  • the portal has two many menus. I would propose to have a more clean design with a single main menu 
  • the main menu contains links that are more suitable for footer. The main menu should have only links related to content discovery i.e. browse, search and advanced search and the About
  • we could add some nice logos of the data providers and some basic info
  • it is confusing that some of the resources open in the GEANT OER and other directly on the original site
  • mainly Spanish content promoted in the home page. This is not very good for a federation service. 
  • the menu on the left side menu is confusing. I would propose to have a top menu with main options like Browse, Search, About and transfer the top menu contents in footer
  • Recorded date field seems not to be correct. Is this really recorded date or ingested into the portal date?
  • Add friendly names for the Language filter and not ISO codes e.g. en, es
  • Could we have facets with statistics for each value e.g. English (10)?
  • using term agriculture in I get 8 results while using the search box powered by google I get 2. This is confusing. I would strongly recommend to use the Pumykit search mechanism in both cases
  • footer content seems not related to the scope of the project
  • add how to contribute link with guidelines for the providers on how they can provide their content and link this section to the wiki page that Kostas has shared
  • while we are showing audio as an option in the format filter there are no results and the term "no videos" is used. Maybe we could use the term "no resources" instead

Promotion examples from Nelson

I’m sending this email with some of the communication examples you asked me to create during the last year.

You can see attached 3 different posters in A4 format that can be used to promote the service around the world, mainly to our main target, the NREN’s.

3 Key Messages:

1-      Are you ready for open education?

2-      Are you ready to connect to the Géant OER?

3-      Are you ready to publish your content with open licenses?


These examples can be easily promoted by email, newsletters or as a printed version in conferences and institutional events.

I think it would be important to create a strong corporate identity (name, logo, slogan), before the project release as I wrote in the communication proposal. In my point of view these elements will be the key to promote the service and to engage users with our brand(Géant OER). I think they should be created and included in the different promotional channels since the beginning of communication process.






title9th meeting


Peter, Kostas,Vicente, Eduardo, Giannis, Eli



1. Summary/Update - Current Status

2. Focus on the Content, Functionality

3. Update on the back-end engine

4. Front and back end interaction

5. Timeline


- - -

1. Current Status

Vicente: working mainly on data structure, adapting the PUMUKIT structure to the application profile

working on the import scripts - not as straightforward as expected; modifying the scripts all the time - related to the structure and the vocabulary

[demonstrates JSON file example: issues with specific fields, supposed values, file formats do not match - need a translation at an aggregation level, media format doesn’t appear, strange language codes - or appear to be English, but isn’t - language codes should be translated, lack of numeric codes, etc.] - issued needed to be solved in order to get good data

Peter: problems related to the metadata translation - should be translated into one format or schema

Vicente: some issued should be fixed at the repository level

Peter: proper translation needed, metadata not exposed by local repositories - a) ask them to change that, b) try to translate it automatically

will have to tackle that later on

Vicente: our own repositories - improving the data exposed in order to make it easy to harvest, but data coming from iTunesu - cannot count on cooperation with the data provider; translation should be done at the repository level

we have all the tools, just need to focus on improving the harvesting process

Peter: can compare the local repository and the one harvested - enough for us to prove that it will work

Kostas: the phase of transformation is problematic, we don’t know what are the elements used from others’ perspective, might have problems with mapping the local elements with the elements of TERENA OER

Peter: thumbnail gets lost for example; need to look for the basic fields we agreed on

Kostas: last time we were harvesting there were no thumbnails

Vicente: part of the collection, not of the item, but we are not working with collections now

Kostas: could harvest information where thumbnail is a part of the item

Vicente: need to interact more to solve minor issues

Kostas: send me the list of issues


Vicente: regarding the portal - some objects have been harvested, currently the URL exposed is not the direct URL to the media, but the player page (can be changed)

categories, filters

search - first implementation

information available at provider level, possible to harvest it


2. Focus on Functionality

Peter: functions need to work, else the end-users will leave, if something doesn’t work, should not be on the pilot version; ok to put new features in as they become functional

Vicente: this is work in progress, users wont be exposed to anything that won’t be working, functionalities there for demonstration purposes only, will be removed


- - -


Peter: Kostas, once the translation is done, others will work or are there differences?

Kostas: main issue is translation, has to be done together with Vicente and his team

Peter: scalability of this process in the future - tedious manual approach for now for every repository; next repository will have to be treated the same? doesn’t seem scalable

Kostas: difficult to create a transformation file for every provider, will take time

Giannis: the first version is for the internal consumption, but later it will be important to communicate to the data providers willing to join

Vicente: maybe institutions willing to do what is needed, but might not; or we can learn to harvest the apple feeds properly

Peter: would not fixate too much on the apple one, we want to connect different sources

Giannis: need to have some educational metadata, else we will just replicate the iTunes harvesting mechanism; need to understand the semantics of the metadata - main problem, else can be corrected


ACTION: Vicente to send a detailed list of issues to Kostas


Eli: need to see how many hours Kostas will need for every repository 5-10 hours - worth it, else need to consider


Giannis: either remove the subject from the front end, or not use metadata that has no subject element - will apply to many elements


Eli: if we will see that we need more go arounds to fix something, maybe we can discuss the technology aspects in the next phase

Peter: we will have development time in the next phase (GN4, April next year) - Kostas will be spending a lot of time working on it


- - -




Peter: one more meeting before holidays or better in January? Can also follow up individually  - (will be back on 5 January)


Giannis: specific collections from the iTunes site - who is responsible for those collections?

Peter: iTunesU was identified as an escape for now, but need to focus on the local repositories - everyone in their own countries should look for it, happy to do that in the Netherlands (also need to address the language question later)

Giannis: i will look for Greek collections

Peter: next meeting in January


Software fixes by Kostas

  1. Improved the mappings from native RSS Itunes U metadata and DC to the LOM based OER Application Profile.
  2. Extended the RSS Harvester to gather information from RSS Channel element and inject it to each and every element where the specific info is missing for example the itunes:image.
  3. Extended the seach API to offer duration, format and contributors name.
  4. The elements' possible detected languages are limited to en and es.
  5. The dates issue is not addressed(and it will be very difficult to be addressed since there is a great diversity in the way dates are defined)
  6. A new repository(Standford) is added.Peter sent it to me before sometime ago.It is RSS Itunes U based.Check the dashboards for more info.
