12:00 - Lunch/Meet & Greet
Add your suggestions for a name for the VO Platform service to a post-it board.
12:45 - Welcome, intro, background (AH)
13:00 - Overview of plans (20 mins per task - swap detailed material min 1 week before meeting)
- T1 Federation and Campus (plan at T0 - Management and Business Development)
- T2 Research & SPs
- T3 Technology
- T4 eduroam (plan at T0 - Management and Business Development)
- Business Dev
- SA2 (T1 - Transition process, Test and validation, Software management, T2 - T&I DevOps, T4 - Production Optimization)
15:00 Coffee
15:30 Discussion on plans
16:30 Topic item (can run two parallel topics if demand))
17:30 Wrapup, close day 1
Links between Business dev and everyone! (45 mins)
- Outreach & new users
- CBAs
- KPIs
17:15 eduGAIN Monitoring
17:45 Wrapup, close day 1
19:00 Dinner http://wirtschaft-neumarkt.ch
(reserved for 13 people).18:30 Dinner somewhere
Day 2:
08:30-09:00 Meet & greet, boarding pass, coffee
09:00-10:15 - Topic in depth (can run two parallel topics if demand)15 Transitions to service
- Understanding the handover service documentation template - service definition, operational requirements & documentation and user support
- Designing OLAs for operations
- Tools & systems e.g.. ticketing requirements, shared helpdesk
10:15-10:30 Coffee
10:30-11:45 - Topic in depth (can run two parallel topics if demand)2x Topic in depth parallels:
- Links between Daniela & Lukas's tasks
- Attributes
- eduGAIN central tools and integration of T2 tools
- Links between Daniela, Lukas & Maarten's task
- Assurance / 2nd factor/SIRTFI
11:45 - 12:30 Wrap-up from topics, vote on VOPaaS top choices, next steps
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch, close day 2.
- Ann H
- Justin Knight
- Lukas Hämmerle
- Nicole Harris
- Brook Schofield
- Marina Adomeit
- Daniela Pöhn
- Maarten Kremers
- Mario Reale
- Miro
- Alessandra
- Niels van Dijk
- Stefan Winter
Please add your suggestions for topics for the in depth parts here. We can have up to two topics per session.
- Links between Daniela & Lukas's tasks
- Attributes
- eduGAIN central tools and integration of T2 tools
- Links between Lukas Daniela, Lukas & Maarten's task
- Assurance / 2nd factor/SIRTFI
- Scheduled Links between Business dev and everyone!
- Outreach & new users
- CBAs
- KPIs
- Scheduled Transitions to service
- Understanding the handover service documentation template - service definition, operational requirements & documentation and user support
- Designing OLAs for operations
- Tools & systems e.g.. ticketing requirements, shared helpdesk
- Brainstorming for VOPaaS service name
- Transitions from AARC?
- Scheduled eduGAIN Monitoring
Meeting will take place at SWITCH: http://www.switch.ch/about/contact/
Alternatively use the usual search/booking sites. Some people have found nice Airbnb stuff around Badenerstrasse in the past.
Attachments |