TFSIG-RED: Task Force Special Interest Group on Research Engagement Development
TFSIG-RED will formalize an existing collaboration of NRENs (and other research infrastructures) working together to develop methods for engaging researchers and collaborations nationally and internationally, through a set of reports, workshops, and best practices. The scope of the task force focuses on collaboration between the participating NRENs/research infrastructures, who then work within their own countries to engage their research support offices and collaborations. The TF SIG-RED aims to develop a framework for research engagement amongst the participating NREN community, and other research infrastructures. The results of the task force will yield documentation for other NRENs/research infrastructures to develop their own form of research engagement, which will benefit the various research domains across Europe (and beyond), and communicate and strengthen collaboration between/with other e-infrastructures/research infrastructures.
This is the first year of operation for TF-RED, which was established on 24th February 2017.
TF-RED is lead by:
- Sylvia Kuijpers (SURFnet)
- Jakob Tendel (DFN) - co-chair
- David Salmon (JISC) - co-chair
- Kate Petersen (ESnet) - co-chair
- Jim Bottum (Internet2) - co-chair
- Edward Moynihan (Indiana University) - co-chair
- Charlie van Genuchten (SURFnet) - secretary
Next Event
TF-RED will be having an all-hands VC on July 5th, 2017 from 16.00 to 18.00 CEST. Please REGISTER via: https://eventr.geant.org/events/2692
Agenda, July 5
1.Round Robbin
Beforehand think about:
- Who is your target audience right now?
- What audiences would you want to target in the future?
Goals of the meeting:
- To understand each other;
- Getting to know the perspective of institutions;
- Setting a baseline to understand how we are organized;
- Make it easier to start the information gathering exercise.