Why use an OAV Maturity Model?Maturity models are streamlined depictions of an organisation's capacity for continuous improvement in a specific discipline. In other words, the model evaluates how well a company or system is able to improve itself from a given state, allowing you to observe a company's maturity level in terms of either the quality or use of the discipline's resources. The justification for implementing our own maturity model is that, after conducting extensive research on existing maturity models, we were unable to identify one that was suitable for Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation. We desired a maturity model that NRENS could use to assess their OAV-related status. In addition, maturity models evaluate qualitative data when specific dimensions and stages are established. In the case of OAV, we desired to establish the dimensions as Architecture & Technology, Processes & Services, Vision & Strategy, and People & Organisation, and the stages as none, crawl, walk, run, fly, and energise. Because NRENS can illustrate the status of each dimension with ease. Thus, the realisation of a new model of maturity was unidirectional. |