This page contains general information on how to create a SAML-based identity federation as well as how to connect it to eduGAIN.
If an Identity Federation meets the Requirements the general requirements for joining eduGAIN, it can initate the "Joining Process" described in section 3.2 of the eduGAIN Constitution. These are:
Besides the points mentioned in that section, a more technical description of what information has to be sent to the eduGAIN operations team in order to join eduGAIN is listed on the eduGAIN Technical Site
Relevant Subtopics for Prospect eduGAIN Member Federations
- General Requirements for joining eduGAIN
- Federation Policy Template: Part of the Federation Best Practice material provided by REFEDS
- eduGAIN Policies and Best Practices: What a Federation must ensure for its entities.
- Guide for Joining eduGAIN as a Federation
- Metadata Flow in eduGAIN
- Republish eduGAIN Metadata for local use