Workflow and Architecture
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SUMMARY OF ACTIONSSummary of Actions
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PublicACTIONSlist of actions from the closed Up2U Board Meeting
Day 1 - Joint session
1) TURN for Up2U
Misi (NIIF/KIFU) talked about the GÉANT TURN service pilot that is a distributed and federated STUN/TURN server infrastructure for easing firewall and NAT traversal for real-time traffic (audio, video, data).
The GÉANT TURN Service can be configured as externalized functionality to any commercial and community-built WebRTC and Voice/Video Conferencing solution. It's fully maintained by R&E and resides in the R&E networks. We can guarantee SLA and monitoring on the service that is a value-add.
Assuming that Up2U will have an embedded WebRTC-based real time communication component, the GÉANT TURN Service would be an ideal way to solve firewall and NAT traversal issues in various network conditions.
- ACTION 1 on Ilias (WP3) to include the GÉANT TURN Service pilot in the Up2U architecture design as a potential solution.
8) Moodle for Up2U
Allan (OU) showed the Moodle instance running at PSNC. Travis CI is used for continuous integration and automated deployment from Github. Other than Github there is also a DuckerHub account for Up2U.
Contact Allan to get access.
There is a potential Moodle Theme for K12 context. Comes with a theme wizard so new users can easily familiarize themselves.
- ACTION 4 on Nelson (FCT) and Allan (OU) to give admin access to Nelson and customize the theme for Up2U.
Test instance should have the same look and feel as the production instance. We should fork the Theme and use our customized version everywhere. should recognize our developments as part of the CORE (if any). Moodle association should recognize us. Let's contact with Moodle (
- ACTION 5 on Peter (GÉANT), Eli (IUCC), Thodoros (NTUA) to set up a meeting with Moodle.
It was agreed as a good practice towards all commercial/community partners to establish strong liaisons with them: Moodle, ownCloud, IMS Global, etc...
Moodle developer at IUCC to be added to the list. TinCan expert also.
- ACTION 6 on Allan (OU) to build the developers team! There are potential developers at OU, PSNC, IUCC, GRNET, TELTEK, ownCloud, etc.. We should gather them and mobilize!
12) App integration
Investigate the Moodle integration of ownCloud. How to provision storage spaces to classes in Moodle? ownCloud developers should be on board.
From the users point of view, the landing page now should be Worldpress pointing to Moodle.
TELTEK personal recorder could be considered as an external tool provided by a commercial company. Figure out the commercial conditions and details. What requirements we need towards them. Let's use TELTEK as our internal pilot.
- ACTION 9 on Vicente (TELTEK) to design models and define requirements who third-party commercial (full-stack) applications can be integrated to the Up2U platform using it as a "delivery vehicle" towards the users.
We still need an internal, modular, integrated recording tool in Up2U. SiLeCon SeLCont of NTUA is there.
- ACTION 10 on Mary (NTUA) to investigate the SiLeCon the SeLCont tool integration details with Moodle.
Enrico (CERN) showed an excellent example of how CERN uses the Jupyter tool for their student internship project. This use case can be adapted to a fully vitalized environment (i.e without CERN visit) using the same tool in Up2U environment.