Due to the current state of policy development, defining effective operating models needs realistic policies to be worked on, and for those policy to have a firm grounding in the community to which they apply: the 'though convergence' process needs to be much matures in order for scalable mechanisms to be effective. Since AARC is not in itself in a position to adopt policies, but instead mediates policy, best practices and (pilot) technologies between a multitude of existing entities (Research Infrastructures, e-Infrastructures, IdPs, Federations, service providers and brokers), community engagement to gain such adoption is essential. Much of the work in scalable policy negotiation will is therefore be centered on outreach and participation in (existing or newly established) forae. In this, it works together with the NA2 task on training and dissemination.To review the result, read our Recommendations on the grouping of entities and their deployment mechanisms in scalable policy negotiation
- Recommendations on the grouping of entities and their deployment mechanisms in scalable policy negotiation (PDF)
- Recommendations on the grouping of entities and their deployment mechanisms in scalable policy negotiation (MS Word)
In addition, this task investigates the use of technical policy negotiation mechanisms. For this work, we refer to the specific child pagesmodels, such as Snctfi, to ease trust between Infrastructures.