- Service Providers integrating the Persistence Service.
- Service Providers integrating the Discovery Service.
- End users relying on the service for Discovery and Persistence.
Product manager | Lead Architect | Operations |
L3 support | |
Marina Adomeit | Leif Johansson |
Operations manager- ?? Engineering - Maria Haider, Erik |
Bergstrom Operations - |
Leif Johansson |
GEANT representative GÉANT representative in Seamless Access Governance Committee: Klaas Klaas Wierenga
GEANT GÉANT representative in Seamless Access Technical Committee: Christos Kanellopoulos
The SeamlessAccess Organisational chart and GEANT participation mapping is available at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1z6wghptHOB3l0QM_CCFL9tQbNlMq8AncufH-vMwolYE/edit#slide=id.g97fe49199d_0_0, and current snapshot is available at:
Responsibilities of operational team are defined in the OLA document.
Responsibilities of Service
Operations Manager are as follows:
- Responsible for the overall operational health of the service, planning and implementing improvements.
- Manages the operational team making sure that relevant operational procedures are followed.
- Responsible to fulfil functions as defined in relevant operational procedures.
- Defines and put in place new operational procedures as required.
- Collaborates with Product manager and operational team to plan for deployment of new software releases.
- Responsible for creating and maintaining documentation related to service operations.
Responsibilities of Service Product Manager are as follows:
- Works with the UX team and SeamlessAccess Advanced Integrators to structure and conduct user research and interviews.
- Develops product requirements for each level of integration and for different stakeholder groups (publishers, research collaborations, federation operators).
- Develops a full product roadmap, and maintain it depending on incoming influences that can change priorities.
- Coordinates the work of UX and development team to fulfil the roadmap.
- Works with the Outreach Manager to ensure that SPI documentation is complete, clear and helpful; write additional documentation as needed.
- Collaborates with operational manager and development team on release and deployment plan.
- Communications with the user community on roadmap and release plan.
Service Delivery Model
Delivery of Seamless Access service is done through the Coalition for Seamless Access, a collaboration between five organizations – GÉANT, Internet2, the National Information Standards Organization (NISO), ORCID, and the International Association of STM Publishers (STM). Seamless access has in 2019 started the beta service, that will operationally run on a production level quality infrastructure and will conduct a business pilot working with first adopters. Coalition partners will seek to provide sufficient resources to meet the deliverables defined for each responsibility area as follows:
- STM: Project secretariat, publisher outreach and UX design
- NISO: Library outreach
- GÉANT: Technical development and operations
- All Parties: Governance, community engagement, and other deliverables as mutually agreed by the Parties
Service Elements
The service consists of the following main components:
- Commercial CDNs used to deliver web artifacts (JS, HTML, CSS) to end user browsers.
- Frontend software https://github.com/TheIdentitySelector/thiss-js, to be implemented by Service Providers.
- A backend consisting of an MDQ implementation with search extensions enabled (currently pyff.io).
Search function
Discovery service searches for substring in one of the metadata elements that are defined in entity_extended_display_i18n in https://github.com/IdentityPython/pyFF/blob/master/src/pyff/samlmd.py.
Technology Infrastructure
Documented at Seamless Access Deployment Architecture
Supporting Infrastructure
Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)
Not applicable applicable at the moment