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DateNRENParticipating personsMain outcomessuggested actionsAdditional notes
Oct 20, 2021GARRSabrina Tomassini
Fulvio Galeazzi
Federica Tanlongo
Alberto Colla
  • GARR overall interested in the TF activities
  • Emphasis should be added on Storage : providing storage services
    for the eHealth community is a key objective for GARR, and in this
    sense synergies and exchanges of best practices should be
    pursued within the TF activities. Storage means also the need
    for the eHealth community to archive their data in a safe manner
    and perform backups.
  • Mirroring of Relevant eHealth Data Sets is also an option NRENs 
    could consider to support the eHealth community
  • Informed consent and related tools targeting the possibility for users
    to express it is one relevant item of interest TF could be involved in
  • To clearly separate and distinguish the various specific domains in 
    dealing with eHealth is fundamental:  eIDAS and eduGAIN in this 
    respect have different target communities and needs
  • IRODS (  is a key emerging technology to be considered in eHealth support
  • organise a thematic TF meeting 
    devoted to Storage Services for 
  • very limited direct
    manpower available
    to directly work on the
    current TF workplan
Nov 30, 2021SURFIrene Nooren
  •  SURF currently engaging as key IT partner in the Dutch national eHealth initiative,  focusing 
    on health data sharing and implementing new data-based services for health. Goals of Health-RI are:
    • Build an integrated health data research infrastructure accessible for researchers, citizens and care providers.
    • Facilitate and foster the optimal use of knowledge, tools, facilities, health data and samples to enable a learning healthcare system and accelerate sustainable and affordable personalized medicine and health.
  • SURF is helping with. procurement and governance too.
  • Current main focus for SURF is more on  the  secondary  use of health data:  share of medical data to support research
  • An archiitecture is being defined and possible approaches to data sharing  being evaluated (centralized vs decentralized), the role to be played in the model by the individual health institution
  • Data Sovereignty is a key feature  of SURF strategy 
  • With respect to the required  IT sevices for health, both acces to computing resources and storage are relevant. However there is an acknowledgement that emphasis should go above all on Storage. Storage needs, options, available services to support Health Research.
  • Computing will become also increasingly. important in relation to AI
  • For primary usage of Health data, interoperability is still the main issue to solve.  Current focus necessarily on secondary usage of Health data for medical Research. At this level interoperability is (a bit)   less of an issue.
  • About what can be done of useful with  other NRENs via the eHealth task force:
    • Since other countries are also in the process of defining the IT architecturre of their national eHealth infrastructures, it would be good to share plans and ideas across NRENs - given the main  constraints and requirements are similar 
    •  Liaising with the EC Commission and provide information to all NRENs about new regulations, communications, strategic plans and funding opportunities for NRENs like nel calls frorm the main EU Programmes on eHealth. (EU4Health, HorizonEurope...etc) - Focus is on secondary usage of Health  data for research, also  in relation to key Life Science and  Health Research Infrastructures,  starting from EOSC-Life.
    • Also getting to know/being able to contribute to the plans for eHealth. in GN5 would be interesting and useful.
    • IRODS for federated storage is an interesting option, SURF would be interested to gather forces on this topic, share experiences, also,  possibly, through the. organisation of a dedicated event.


Radovan Igliar

Our unit deals with services and  relations to users: basically, everything towards users,

  • CESNET connects Universities with also medicine faculties,
UNi,  and  all  big hospitals, regional  hospitals, some of the municipal hospitals

Research  and faculty are one.

We have research hospitals. 

Hospitals are regular users for   us, we provide  connectivity  storage AAI

some  computing

  • Faculty hospitals (teaching and research hospitals) and also regional/municipal hospitals.Hospitals are regular users of e-infrastructure - CESNET provides them with connectivity,  storage, AAI, some computing; services like AAI-a-a-S
  • . Basically the full
  • stack of
our servicesI am leading activities related  too 
  • e-infrastructure services. CESNET is also leading activities related to COVID, security,
  • cyberattacks. 

we established 

  • hSOC
    • CESNET has established Hospitals
    • SOC, hSOC: Security operations team
A lot 

We also cooperate with ministry of Health on digitalization of health

we doo not deal with medical records directly

we are interested more in how to interchange  data

how data should be interoperable  and interchangeable

how  to use IdM too

we are consultants, we do not really do it

Ministry does it

There is a national ministry  strategy on eHealth

we are consultants and members

we establish the community of working groups


HSCO management

    • established for the user community a set of  of working groups.  We are involved mostly in the TECH and Emergency  working groups of HSOC. Topics these group are working on are: how to do  disaster recovery
    • , also human resources in
    • cybersecurity and digitalization.
    • CESNET also

emergency and tech WGs are our one's

    • established a private network
    • : HSOC VRF
    • . Hospitals have
    • own VRF in CESNET so that hospitals can
    • interchange data safely.

There is a national eHEalth initiative, but other people are  involved

National eHealth initiative.

Stated 2 weeks ago. 

Coordinate by the ministry of health

a new deputy  appointed
  • eHealth
    • The ministry is preparing national ministry  strategy on eHealth (national eHealth initiative) - started several weeks ago, very recently) : Coordinate by the Ministry of health; a new deputy /Mr. Blaha/ appointed appx. 1 month ago for digitalization of
    • eHealth; they are discussing the future calls, financing sources
    • and the strategies
    • - now the ministry is working on the strategy document


Milan BLaha from the ministry
    • .
    • They are working on the strategy document 2021-2025
    • several goals….
    • responsibilities…resources…
    • CESNET is providing consultations on interoperability, standards. CESNET is not directly involved in topic of medical records. However there is ongoing discussion regarding interoperability (FAIR) of Medical data between Research infrastructures and Research hospitals, how  to use Identity Management (IdM).
Now they are writing the strategy document
    • Another part of activities is: government has a  body called
research and 
    • Research and education  board, responsible to  head of the government
    • - they discuss how Health should be working more closely
    • with research
    • - research in medical areas, there are some research infras
    • (BBMRI
    • , BioImaging
    • , ELIXIR
    • ( there are around 7-10 Health ResInfras in
Check republic

how these res infras should be linked to health

    • Czech republic). There are 2 tracks of  activities and  they are discussing now how these  tracks should combine.
          • Research funded by project - discussion how Health Sector and  ResInfras
      and to
          • should share data too !
          • - For example: Some  genetic  research, they do does  not combine the data from the hospitals
          • : research people do not have data from hospitals
          • .
          • Hospitals

      also : how to share data

      research funded by project, hospitals
          • funded by public health insurance
          • - how to share data between these 2 branches of
          • activitie.
      we in
      • CESNET
      • is leading the national EOSC initiative, we are  the national coordinator of EOSC

      What would be useful to do with other NRENs ?

      • In General  knowledge sharing, best practice sharing
      • ;There are similar activities in all states
      , no rocket science
      • .
      • National relations mainly.

      One thing is to share best practices and knowledge

      also ,  calls for Health,

      • EU funding opportunities and strategies - regulations / communications - monitor those, to follow those, info sent to the list,
      • : forward this info from the list, this is very interesting
      • - We think EU and national strategies should interact
      • (Our ministry of health was not aware of the initiative
      • ) - eHealth is not fully
      dealt withCheck ministry
      • dealth with - Ministry of health did start
      • the Competence Centre on Health
      • National Competence centre - established by the ministry
      • Also: within the community, we  work with guys providing
      • NIX-ZD
      • -
      • They are building eHealth eID
      • - And interchange  for medical  data.
      • : Cross-border medicine. 
      • -This is led by one of the municipalities, a region. several hospitals involved.
      • - But it is actually under
      the project called
      • the  CEF programme of EU
      • : buidling a National eHealth centre
      • - we provide connectivity and  also STORAGE for them
      • - NIX-ZD are not hosted in the ministry
      • -hosted  in Jihlava


      We do provide data storage services

      We provide core infra storage for


      ISO27001 certification 

      but for the storing of data are certifications are required

      Support on the certification process

      • CESNET has at the moment ISO 27001 certification in place. Potentionally a support for certification process. Also to learn  from others  how certification for health infrastructure will be  good to know.

      we are CESNET is building   a  new service called sensitive cloud sensitive cloud  - sensitive cloud (based on Openstack) in future will be  the  be the potentially also a service to interchange Research and Hospital health  data

      Computing but mainly about storage

      so we are preparing this service, we know how to do

      we use ELIXIR AAI

      not EOSC-Life AAI migrated

      EOSC and Data sets are 2 parts of activities

      2023-2029  3 areas funded :

      1. infrastructures 
      2. data  repositories to  store in FAIR principles 
      3.  EOSC to put things together

      It seems it is all about the EOSC  but in reality there are 3 funding streams:


      data. CESNET do support Elixir AAI, also working on EOSC-Life. Certifications in relation to might be Sensible in future.

      Future funding 2023 - 2029 will be divided into:

      1. Infrastructures 
      2. Data sets and repositories to store in FAIR principles 
      Data sets
      1. And  integration of  all this under EOSC https://www.

      Certifications   in  relations  to  Sensible 

      irods: DICE
      • About  irods: we are in a project called  DICE for
      • EOSC: about interoperability of data

      not related to Health in particular
      • We have currently no knowledge regarding interest in iRods overall.

      In summary,

      CESNET is at least for now not specifically interested in irods. 

      Certifications  are  really  important  for us, also in relation  to sensitive cloud services

      (based on  openstack)

      EU funding opportunities and strategies - regulations / communications

      About a shortlist of what is interesting for CESNET: (final wrap up):

      • STORAGE  YES
      • FAIR principles in eHealth
      • eIDAS services which are seekd  seek  by some hospitals
      • Data Sovereignty is also a key for us
      • share plans and ideas
      • linking health systems together (cross-border medicine)
