- Identity: National federation , eduGAIN & REFEDs
- Educational Credentials: OpenBadges, EMREX, ELMO, others?
- Other: EBSI
Transformative aspects
- We currently have full control over the governance of our AAI ecosystem, it is likely we will need to share at least some of controle in a new wallet ecosystem.
- We currently need to have full controle over our governance, as we are doing a lot of the heavy lifting ourselfs. Goverment identity is less usefull for our day to day processes, and other sectors are not as well organised. In a new wallet ecosystem we may have the opportunity to reuse or recycle technical components, standarts, trust infrastuctures and hence their governance to our benefit. This might be relevant for:
- Software development (issuer/verifier and wallet). High level of inreroperability required for a functioning EU wallet ecosystem may reduce the need to run our own implementations
- Managing definitions and level of assurance of (incoming) identities and credentials. While a lot of our requirements are defined by workflows common in our sector, we may be able to piggyback on processes esteblished elsewhere in the ecosystem
- Trust framework(s)
- Many of the specs are written by small group of people, oppertunity for influence
- Education is seen as a key use case
- IF the trustframe allows for delegation of responsibilities to sectors, we may have an opportunity to align the existing ecosystem with the wallet ecosystem, whih would help us manage/align the governance as well
- Most EU standarisation is behind closed doors and politisized
- Unclear how EUDI will be goverened in the future
- Unclear how much impact EUDI will have. If it does not go beyond Government based data, our sector will maybe create a parallel ecosystem
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