What is: an Identity Provider, a Home Organization, the Identity Management process. (LINKS MISSING)
For Identity Provider administrators:
How to enable your users to access eduGAIN services(LINK MISSING)
IDP Metadata Profile (metadata template, metadata validators)(page in eduGAIN)
IDP Attribute Profile: recommended attributes
IDP Attribute Profile: controlled vocabularies (LINK MISSING)
IDP Attribute Profile: unique identifiers (LINK MISSING)
Identifiers: omnidirectional, bidirectional, unidirectional
IDP Attribute Release (Attribute release based on entity-category(LINK MISSING), attribute release based on CoCo(LINK MISSING))
Relying Party Configuration (MetadataProvider, federation-specific)
How an IdP can support eduGAIN SAML 2.0 WebSSO Profile (SAML2int) (LINK MISSING)
Level of assurance(LINK MISSING)
How to test an eduGAIN Identity Provider