Source: acrhitecture.odg
SP admin flows
Register a new SP
1a) copy/past metadata into text box
test: is it really XML?
-> if not: error
1b) point to metadata URL
test: check if URL exists
→ if not: error
2) test: check if metadata has
- entityID
- technical contact email
- ACS location
- Signing cert?
- Encryption Cert?
→ if not: error
3) resolve captcha
4) press register button
Start registration
1) generate SHA256 token from IP + timestamp + entitID
test: Do not allow an existing entityID to be claimed with a new email
if → throw an error
2 ) send email with token to tech contact
e.g. return URL:
2) write to db table "registration":
- generated token (key)
- email adress
- entityID
- timestamp
- ip adress
- metadata as an XML blob
- registration statusstatus ("email send", registration complete")
First time user login
1) User returns to
test: Check if this token is registered in the DB for this email, if not -> error
2) The user is now "logged in" for time X
3) Move over XML metadata to "martin" table" (registration data gets removed)
4) Optionally: additional field to be filled in? → Check with Martin
5) Your IdP is ready at : https://...
Show pointer to metadata
Show metadata to be copied
Show URL?
Show text explaining how to use frontend login screen
Below TBD
Returning to admin interface to modify SP
- 'login' vio email token
- lookup your own SP?
- confimation?